Prosper Trading Academy founder Scott Bauer says, “What if you could have been up over three thousand percent since 2018? And, what if all it took was trading for under an hour a day? Sounds pretty crazy, right? But I’ve been in the trading game for over thirty years as a floor trader at the CBOE (Chicago Board of Options Exchange) and the CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange). I traded against Warren Buffett himself and was the first market maker to trade Amazon options.”
Scott puffs his chest out with pride, reminding us he’s been featured on CNN, Fox News, CNBC, and more. He introduces his colleague, Mike Shorr, and says he, too, is a legendary options trader. Mike’s allegedly up close to four thousand percent since 2018. Had you invested ten Gs and followed Mike’s trades, you’d have more than three hundred and eighty thousand dollars in your trading account today. Wait, so you’re saying hindsight’s 20/20? Okay, cool, just checking.
Anyways, people are creating absolute fortunes, overnight, by day trading, Scott continues. But the problem is, you gotta chain yourself to the computer all day. Assuming you don’t wanna do that, assuming you don’t wanna stare at a screen forty hours a week, you need Scott’s option trading “cheat code.” With it, you can become a successful trader in as little as one hour a day. Using this “little-known secret strategy,” even you can get humongous returns like Scott and his buddy Mike.
“I’m super excited to share with everyone what I call my 1-Hour Options Trading Day system,” Mike says. “I’m sick of seeing people lose all their hard-earned money and that’s why I wanna get this secret strategy out to as many folks as possible. I’ve made a positive return forty-five outta the last forty-seven months. And that was even during the market pullback we had with Covid-19. My monthly win rate on my live trading signals is over ninety-five percent. And you too can have the opportunity to learn how to profit the exact same way.”

“Because let me tell you,” Mike continues, “I’ve been a trader for longer than I can remember and I’ve never seen a technique of this caliber. It can help you find trades like Walmart, up twenty-five percent in fifty-nine minutes. And JP Morgan, up twenty-seven percent in fifteen minutes. Or even QQQ, up thirty-nine percent in just five minutes. It can literally work whether the market’s going up, down, or sideways. And having worked with tons of students over the years, they’re always worried about how much time it’s going to take.”
Well fear not, with the One Hour Options Trading Day course, you can find high profit potential options trades in less than sixty minutes a day. And no, it’s not complex, anyone can do it, even you. And you don’t need to start with a big bankroll either. Whether you’re a complete beginner with three grand to your name or a grizzled vet with a hundred grand in your account, this program’s got your name on it, Mike says. One student, Kim, is supposedly up more than a million dollars since joining.
Mike’s over the moon about the results his 1-Hour Options Day Trading community keeps posting. Get your hot little hands on this amazing system today because it’s gonna revolutionize your trading career, he promises. And you won’t believe how cheap it is. Just eight bucks. Yep, eight bucks. And he and Scott’ll even throw in a bunch of exclusive bonuses to make it a no-brainer for you. For me, as I’m sure you can tell, it’s too much hype and too little substance. And I bet there’s a ton of upsells once you’re in.