Attorney and investor Bob Diamond calls himself the go-to authority on tax sale overages. He runs lots of ads on YouTube and Facebook promoting his self-study course, The Overages Blueprint. The cost is fifteen hundred bucks. It has everything you need to start collecting five figure checks from real estate overages funds. Anyone can do it, Bob says. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you live, or what your background is. Still, it’s a significant investment. You probably have questions before you buy. Scroll down for my review.
Being the savvy marketer he is, Bob Diamond anticipated your questions and answered them in a retargeting video ad on YouTube. The number one question Bob gets is, is there too much competition? Absolutely not, he says. Their typical prospect list shows a million to a million and a half in potential overages. Usually, these overages have been on the list for one to three years or more. If it was too crowded, another Overage Avenger would’ve already served those clients.
“Let’s face it,” Bob says, “if there was too much competition you simply wouldn’t see these enormous lists of overages. Those people would have already got their money back because someone would have helped them. So there are not too many people doing this. The lists are the proof of that.” The second questions that gets brought up a lot is, wait a minute, won’t the client just go around me? You might think so, but that’s not the case, Bob assures us.
“We structure the deal so that the money comes through you,” Bob explains, “and there is a written agreement that they sign. So you take your money off the top and send them the balance. So they never have a chance to even circumvent you. Circumvention, quite simply, is prevented by the legal agreements and deal structure that we have in place; and the way we control the money flow. So really, it has not been a problem.” What else does he hear?

Finally, people are curious about the mortgage company. Why wouldn’t they take the money? “Here’s the deal,” Bob says, “mortgage companies can and do make claims on excess funds. That way they can get the money needed to pay off the mortgage. But here’s the thing. They put in their claims if there’s money left over, and they do it right away. You know, they don’t wait. The overages on our lists are years old. The mortgage companies are long gone.”
Bottom line, Bob sees no reason you shouldn’t get in on the action. This is an absolutely amazing business and he’s giving you a chance to get involved. You can help people who’ve lost everything. First, their house; second, money that should have made its way back to them but never did. If you don’t get involved you’re missing out on a huge opportunity. And it won’t last forever. Sooner or later Bob’s going to close the doors on his tax sale blueprint training.
Bob flashes all sorts of student checks across the screen. Most of them are in the five K to thirty K range. On average, the student would pocket about thirty percent of that. So about fifteen hundred to nine K, profit, per deal. I have questions of my own. How long till the average student does their first deal? Once complete, what is the wait time on actually receiving the check? Once you get it, any chance it can get clawed back? Have any of your members ever gotten into legal trouble?