Jamil Damji and Pace Morby star in A&E’s Triple Digit Flip. The best buds are two of the more popular real estate gurus who sell courses and coaching online. Jamil specializes in wholesaling and is known for his AstroFlipping brand; Pace is the creative financing whiz, known for his Subject To brand. Their latest Facebook ad takes you to a Flip Me Masterclass which promises to teach you how to fix and flip like the pros, without facing a flop. Read on for my review.
“Fixing and flipping has allowed me a lifestyle to where I get to just hang out with my friends,” Jamil says, “and have cameras following me, and we get to do these like incredible projects. Like what a fun life. And I want that for you.” But how are these guys finding so many deals? And what’s their acquisition cost? Jamil claims they spend no money on advertising, but how’s that even possible? Especially with all the competition out there today? And how do they fund these deals without risking their own money?
Jamil says he’ll answer all that and more. And no, you can’t get this information for free on the internet. Why? Because he and Pace have scaled their real estate investing businesses far beyond the guys and gals who’re putting out YouTube videos. Only they know what they know, right? Or do you think A&E just hands out TV shows like candy corn on Halloween? Yeah, no. You have to run a legit operation, prove your numbers. They go through everything with a fine-tooth comb.
And now’s the time to double down on your education, he adds. It’s a unique situation. The housing market is crazy. This brings different types of buyers. You’ve got hedge funds, Silicon Valley, savvy investors, and private equity groups absorbing thousands and thousands of properties out of the U.S. housing market. Interest rates are the lowest they’ve ever been. There was (is) that whole pandemic thing, forcing everyone inside, where they began to notice all the things they didn’t like about their home.

The game has changed. “Wall Street is buying your house,” Jamil says. “It wants you to be a renter. Now getting in, getting in and understanding how to play this game, finding off-market opportunities, puts you in such a special position because you can be on the receiving end of this kind of explosive trend. There has never been this much money to be made in real estate ever before. Your bank account needs to reflect that. I’ve got twenty years of experience in this business. I’ve seen a lot. And I promise you, now’s the time.”
The old fix and flip method has you wasting time and money on marketing to find motivated sellers. Deals are scarce, and even if you do find one, it’s overpriced. Then you’re stressing and sweating over managing crews and construction. Some of which will bail on you because, hey, they got another stimulus check, so why work, right? But the new way is Jamil and Pace’s Triple Digit Method. No marketing costs. Deals naturally find you. Rehabs are easy peasy. And you’ll make six figures-plus from each deal. And you can do them again and again.
Apparently their secret sauce is building relationships with two main avatars: real estate agents and wholesalers. And if you think you’re already doing that, Jamil is adamant you are not. Not how he and Pace do it, anyway. The rest of the pitch is mostly him reminding you that they have a TV show and they’re super awesome and everyone wants to work with them and you should book a call if you’re ready to change your life. No mention of how much the Flip Me coaching program costs though. Doesn’t matter. As an introvert, I could never do the whole nonstop networking thing.