Kate McShea has been helping network marketers grow their business for over a decade now. She believes the industry is finally ready to embrace social media and the internet as a primary way to build your downline. She recommends you do so using attraction marketing. Which isn’t about a Facebook post, a marketing funnel, or the way you brand yourself. Rather, it’s a philosophy: value over everything. To see how you turn that into money, scroll down for my Kate McShea review.
Question is, how do you become a person of value if you’re not successful yet? Maybe you just joined your first MLM company. Or switched to a new one. Or you’ve been at it for years with little-to-no results to show for it. It’s about shifting your mindset, Kate says. You stop asking “Who can I enroll?” and you start asking “Who can I impact?” You become a person who listens, cares, and wants to help.
The misconception regarding attraction marketing, Kate explains, is that it’s entirely passive. You put out a piece of content, sit back, and wait for business builders to sign up under you. That can work if you’re Holton Buggs, sure. But for the average direct sales rep, you’ll still need to actively engage with people. Both online and off. Your ability to attract, influence, enroll, earn, and scale hinges on this.
Also, become fascinated by your industry. Whether it’s skin care, weight loss, forex, essential oils. It’s a given you should know your products inside and out. But go beyond that. Be curious. Seek out answers. Read, watch, listen, learn. Soak up as much knowledge as you can. Commit to the overall bigger picture. When you do, your confidence, passion, and belief in your products and opportunity will be magnetic.

A person of value invests in themselves. They want to deeply understand everything they’re involved with. They anticipate questions and concerns someone might have and gather the necessary information to handle them effectively. “So if you don’t feel like you have value just yet, those are very simple things you can do,” Kate says. “It’s just making a commitment to that behavior.” Makes sense. What else does Kate recommend?
If you’re doing something that’s working, don’t stop doing it. Just make it better by integrating in these little things to make yourself even more attractive to your prospects. And slow down. Ask questions. Look at their social media. Get to know people, their pains, their desires, their roadblocks; so you can actually help them, as opposed to just trying to sell them. Take the agenda out of it. Just be a good human being. Treat every conversation, whether it’s face-to-face or through private message, as a personal challenge to become a person of value.
The silver lining of all the craziness that’s been going on in the world these last couple of years is that people are craving connections and conversations now more than ever. If you can let them know that they matter, that they’re important to you, not only is that your civic duty, but it’ll definitely help you stand out. To Win With Kate, sign up for her free ten day bootcamp where she walks you through her style of attraction marketing. Or, if you’re over network marketing, and just want to make money without answering to an upline or babysitting a downline, click below.