Maurice Kenny says just two years ago his family was living check to check. This, despite going to college, getting a degree, then landing a decent job working in IT. After getting laid off a couple times, he had had enough. He couldn’t continue putting his family’s future in another man’s hands. He started day trading and never looked back. Now he wants to send the elevator back down to help other aspiring day traders.
“A lot of day traders think that in order to make a lot of money day trading, you need to have this magical technical indicator that does all the work for you,” Maurice says. “Or you gotta watch the news 24/7, or be a master at technical analysis. But in all honesty, who wants to spend all day just staring at a chart, rather than just spending a little time here or there to make money? I thought the same thing until I created my trading strategy that allows me to think less in order to get more.”
“I came up with my strategy because I know ninety percent of day traders fail due to overcomplicating the process,” he continues. “So let’s think about that. If the vast majority are failing, why would we be doing what they do in the first place, right? You have to ask yourself what the other ten percent are doing. They’re not using all these magical technical indicators or trying to watch the news 24/7 or do any of that stuff. They have things simple to a certain extent, so you can make consistent profitability.”
So throw out everything you think you know about day trading. Then, step one? Start trading with the top ten percent, not against them. They’re picky, they trade like snipers, only when something matches their strict criteria. Essentially, you’ll be trading alongside the big hedge funds so that, when they make millions of dollars, you make thousands. You’re just copying the winners. And the winners (these hedge funds) trade off price action instead of lagging indicators.

Step two is to enter a trade at the perfect time, only after confirmation. That way you get in at the best possible price and reduce the likelihood of it moving against you. A night and day difference from reading some hour-old article saying Company XYZ’s coming out with a new product and so Joe, the analyst, thinks it’s gonna go up, and so you FOMO in based on that, right? ‘Cause by that time, you’re too late. The news has already been priced in. The hedge funds’ll dump their shares on you and you’ll take the L.
Step three is to only exit after the price actions tells you to. Not based off fear or greed or speculation. Nope, once again, just model the hedge funds. Follow them and you’ll be all right. And then Maurice’s fourth and final step is to use mental stop losses rather than actual stop losses. Why? Because hedge funds can see where retail traders set their stop losses. So they’ll purposely trigger ’em to force liquidity. Then buy back in at a cheaper price, and then boom, it rallies, but you miss out on it.
Need help with all four steps? Maurice Kenny has a course, and offers both group and one-on-one coaching. The course costs one thousand dollars. Coaching packages jump up, in price, from there. He only accepts fifteen new students per month. You’ll need at least two thousand dollars in your trading account to qualify. I think the guy clearly knows his stuff. But after sitting through his webinar, for me, it was way over my head and far too boring to wanna pursue.