Tim Sanders calls himself an ordinary guy who’s gotten extraordinary results selling private label products on Amazon. He claims to have an active, eight figure store, which makes him qualified to teach you his Amazon FBA process. Is his Private Label Masters program any good? How much does it cost? What are some of the downsides of the business model? I’ll address all that and more in this review.
In the buildup to Tim’s pitch, he reveals the first three steps for success on Amazon. One, find a product with market demand. To do this, pull up some products on Amazon.com. Scroll down. Find the Best Sellers Rank. You want something with a BSR of anywhere between 1 and 30,000. This means the product is doing tens of thousands of dollars in sales per month. Make sure it has a low number of reviews so you can compete with it. Read the negative reviews so you know how to improve it.
Step two, find a good manufacturer or supplier to make the product. Look on Alibaba.com. If you find the product (or something similar), call and negotiate the absolute lowest price possible. Third and final, Tim says, is you have to ensure the product will be profitable. So pull out a calculator and run the numbers. Take what it’s already selling for on Amazon minus what you could get it for (when you buy in bulk), and times that by the approximate number of units being sold (each month, on Amazon) currently. There’s your potential monthly profit.
If it’s a go, you’ll order the product; handle labeling and branding; list it on Amazon and optimize the listing; run traffic; get reviews; and let Amazon FBA handle the rest. Tim’s secret sauce is “compound layering.” Basically, you piggyback off of his skills, experience, and mastery to turbocharge your results.

The cost to join Private Label Masters is $5,000. Most reviews you’ll find online are positive. The negative ones usually have an ulterior motive. Maybe it’s to sell you a different course. Maybe it’s a competitor posing as an unhappy student. You get the idea. Biases are everywhere, including this very website you’re on. So I would make your decision about whether or not to enroll in Private Label Masters based on the character of Tim Sanders.
Which, if you ask me, he seems like a genuine, nice guy. Most important, he walks the walk. What’s not to like? Other than maybe the price of his program? The only thing I can think of is the private label model itself. I think it’s going to take a lot of work (and probably, money) to do it right. Photographers, designers, copywriters, paid ads specialists, the list goes on. Sure, it’d be worth it in the long run. But it might really suck getting your Amazon store off the ground.
Enter my ulterior motive. Before you leave, I’d like you to at least compare Private Label Masters to what we do: lease leads to local business owners. We believe it’s more affordable, less competitive, easier to manage, and you’ll feel better about what you do for a living. For instance, instead of slinging spatulas, you’ll be helping mom-and-pop shops and the communities they serve. It’s an awesome feeling. Click below for examples and FAQs.