Timothy Luong claims you shouldn’t listen to a single thing Warren Buffett says. You’re not a billionaire; why try to trade like one? Timothy’s dad, Tom, turned less than ten grand into six figures in one month trading futures contracts. And he regularly makes anywhere from a couple hundred to a couple thousand dollars a day in the markets. Perhaps you should listen to him instead. Find out when I review Stock Navigators below.
Tim is the CEO of Stock Navigators. He got an economics degree from UCLA, but after seeing his dad’s trading success, he walked away from a cushy Wall Street job to become a day trader. After mentoring under his dad for three months, he got the hang of it and has been a full-time trader ever since.
As for his dad’s backstory, Tom was your typical hard-working immigrant. He became a systems design engineer, made good money, got married, had two kids, and was living the American Dream. To build his nest egg, he began buying stocks of companies he had heard were doing well in the tech space. It was too easy. Everything went straight up. Until it didn’t. When the tech bubble burst in 2000, Tom lost around a million dollars; half of his entire life savings.
Instead of writing off the stock market though, Tom only became more determined. He read books on investing, bought courses, attended seminars, flew all across the world to learn from the best. It paid off. Tom began smoking the market; and here we are. The father-son duo launched Stock Navigators to help others learn their methods. What began as an in-person trading school in Silicon Valley has now expanded online.

The Luongs believe now is the perfect time to get into trading. The markets are experiencing increased volatility. Bigger ups and bigger downs opens the door to greater gains, if you know what you’re doing. And with the government printing off more and more money, the value of the dollar is decreasing. So keeping your money in savings is not a smart move. Plus, life expectancy is going up. Ditto healthcare costs. You’ll need more than you think to retire comfortably. For these reasons and more, it’s time you make your money work for you, Tom and Tim say.
The Stock Navigators program will show you how. No prior trading experience necessary. Start with as much or as little money as you like. Go at your own pace. Learn a recession-proof, money-multiplying skill that will serve you for life; one you can pass on to your kids someday. Tom and Tim warn you won’t get rich quick, but six figures of extra profit in your first full year trading isn’t out of the question. All they ask is that you devote at least three months to learning their methods.
How much does Stock Navigators cost? You’ll need to get in touch with their team to discuss. I will say, I usually bash these beat-the-market trading programs. But of all the ones I’ve reviewed, Stock Navigators is the least slimy. I love that it’s a family owned education company. Tom’s story is super inspiring. There were no wild income claims. They’ve got plenty of positive reviews out there. Everything seems on the up and up. So yeah, I have no issues with this offer or the way it was presented.