Scott Weddell and Christopher Duncan are the creators of The Digital Marketing School. In a recent Facebook ad, Scott had this to say, “If you’re looking for a way to make an incredible living, working for yourself on your own terms, then I’ve got something you’re going to want to see. In 2022, the world is changing. And quite frankly, in this day and age, you don’t need a traditional job anymore.” Scroll down. The Digital Marketing School review continues below.
“The most important thing you can have in the current market,” Scott continues, “is high income skills, as traditional jobs are being lost every single day to automation, AI, and technology. We can see this everywhere. We can see this everywhere and it’s going to sneak up on you if you do not get prepared. However, high income skills are always in demand and needed by small and local businesses. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that the money you make is a direct reflection of the degree of problems you solve.”
So someone who works at the Gap, great, they can help you find a polo that fits properly, right? Nothing wrong with that, but who couldn’t do that? Which is why it doesn’t pay very much. Now compare that to a neurosurgeon, who not only solves a much bigger problem, but not just anybody can go and do brain surgery, can they? So of course it pays exponentially more. Likewise, digital marketing is a pressing problem you can charge a premium for. And if you get good at it, there’s no shortage of businesses willing to pay you.
Make sense? Good, because it’s a powerful concept, Christopher says. And with the right training and the right knowledge, heck, you could out-earn a neurosurgeon as a highly sought-after digital marketer. Businesses need new leads, trickling in, every single day. And then they need to turn those leads into happy, loyal customers. If you master those two things, you become super valuable to just about every business on the planet. So valuable that you’d never have to worry about working a j-o-b ever again.

“How good does that sound?” Christoper says. “You get to become your own boss, you get to create the rules in your life. Now over the last few years, at The Digital Marketing School here, we’ve been working with thousands of students, teaching them the exact skills that they need to go out and become the ‘neurosurgeons’ to these businesses. And, in the process, create waves of financial, time, and location freedom for themselves. You can start by checking out our guide, How To Become A High-Paid Digital Marketer.”
Scott adds, “We’ve had students that are earning their old twelve month salary in three months. We’re having students message us every single day. ‘I’m doing six figures and I’m working part-time.’ We had someone message us the other day saying she’s just ditched her job. This [The Digital Marketing School] is the answer, okay. If you’re looking to do away with your day job and get total freedom, this is what you need. Read the guide and apply to become our next six figure mentee.”
No mention of what The Digital Marketing School costs. You’re asked to book a Six Figure Mentee call, valued at two hundred and fifty dollars (but free for the time being), in order to find out. I like Christopher and Scott and their cool accents and believe in what they’re teaching. I’d like to hear more specifics, especially in terms of traffic strategies. There are lots of different ways to send small businesses more leads, right? Are they big on Facebook ads or YouTube organic or SEO or what? Or do they kind of touch on all the above?