Robert Kiyosaki is mad. Most of the people who read his book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, are still behaving like Poor Dad. They’re working for a paycheck and trying to cut expenses to get ahead. Wrong. They should instead be working for assets while eliminating liabilities. Not one to miss an opportunity, Lurn CEO Anik Singal took this clip and turned it into a YouTube ad for his workshop and book, The Email Edge. It will supposedly teach you how to launch and scale an online business using only an email address.
How does email marketing work? Typically, you drive people to what’s called a squeeze page. Here, you offer them something of value in exchange for their email address. It could be a free report, a masterclass, a five day challenge, you get the idea. They type in their email, hit submit, and are usually redirected to a private page where their gift awaits.
Their email automatically gets stored with whichever email marketing solution (AWeber, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft, GetResponse, Mailchimp, etc.) you’re using. From there, you can follow up manually or automatically (called an email drip or autoresponder) with more emails. You can promote whatever you want in these emails. Anik suggests inserting affiliate links to other people’s products.
There’s no limit to how many emails you can send or how many different products you can promote. So assuming you get good at capturing emails, you can see the potential. For a guy like Anik, with over a million subscribers, one email blast can easily make him tens of thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions. Hence the phrase “the money’s in the list.”

What’s this got to do with you? Anik Singal and Robert Kiyosaki teamed up to bring you an email marketing course. It’s called Email Startup Incubator. Included are eight modules with step by step video training. Beginner-friendly. Go at your own pace. “It’s as easy as copy-and-pasting our instructions,” Anik said. You’ll get one simple assignment at the end of each tutorial. As long as you execute, you’ll be up and running in days. You’ll also see live examples of Anik’s email campaigns responsible for millions of dollars in sales.
There’s more. Email Startup Incubator members can use Lurn’s LaunchPad software to create opt-in pages, manage emails, send out those follow-ups I was talking about earlier, and track everything from click to commission. In addition, Anik’s giving you 17,500+ pieces of content you can tweak to your liking, slap your name on, and send out to your list. Finally, you’ll get access to Traffic Academy. Here, Anik shows you how to get your first 100 subscribers and teaches you how to become an expert at both free and paid traffic.
How much does this Email Edge system cost? It’s a one-time fee of $997; or you can do three payments of $397 spaced 30 days apart. Would I buy it? Absolutely not. I love email marketing but can’t stand Anik Singal. He promotes too many courses and they all feel slopped together. Just like the confusing ad that triggered this review. Worse, his targeting and messaging preys on people who have no business being in business. I would imagine his student success rate is comparable to your average MLM: abysmal. And he could care less. If you’re buying, he’s selling.