Jay Jones, from OnlineAssets.com, says, “If you are looking to buy an already cash flowing business, like Amazon stores or Shopify brands, you are in the right place. Here’s an overview of our online cash flowing store inventory. A look under the hood of our digital assets, if you will. We have multiple existing ecommerce businesses for sale that are one to two years old and already making money.” Read on for my full review of Online Assets.
Some of these stores are apparently profiting as much as $10 Gs a month. So, as you can imagine, buying one of these puppies ain’t gonna cheap. These stores start out at $50k and go up from there. “We do not have anything for sale for less than that,” Jay stresses. “Our ecommerce stores are real businesses, not internet automation marketing schemes. If you do not have at least $50,000, you will not be able to work with us or buy a functioning business.” I appreciate the honesty.
So what about credit? ‘Cause there’s gonna be operating expenses, right? Yep, Jay says. You’ll have to pay for the product, obviously, plus paid ads, some software and tools. And it has to be credit. Debit or cash won’t work. Slows things up too much. So they also require you to have a minimum of $20,000 in open business credit. If you don’t have that much currently, but you’ve got good credit, they can work with ya. They’ll even help you strategize which cards to apply for, and in what order.
Also, these guys focus on quality over quantity. Therefore, they only have so many stores that are available to purchase at any given time. They screen like heck and curate a few super solid businesses that meet their criteria each month. So if you’ve got your eye on one, and you pussyfoot around, don’t come crying to Jay when it’s gone and you’re stuck sitting on the sidelines. Remember, you’d be investing in an aged, established ecom brand. Your odds of failing are much lower as compared to you trying to build one from scratch.

“Studies tell us 99% of businesses fail within the first year,” Jay continues. “Which is why we don’t buy anything that’s less than 12 months old. Everything we acquire has a proven process in place that we can improve upon with our team and network. Because we buy this way, all businesses under our management have a 100% success rate. If not, we will buy the store back from you within a 24 month period. Meaning, if the store you buy does not make your initial acquisition price within the first two years, we’ll buy it back from you for the difference not generated.”
What’s in it for them, right? They’re buying low, selling high, pocketing the margin. Like a fix and flip, only for digital brands, not houses. They’ve done it now over 100+ times. Their process is battle-tested and proven. You’re gonna come in, provide the capital. They’re gonna get busy improving and optimizing and scaling up the store. Once the monthly revenue’s all pumped up, you’ll sell it for hopefully a much higher number, and chop the profits. You’re basically financing the business in exchange for cash flow and equity.
Jay’s able to go into the back end of his Shopify account, refresh his screen a few times, and show some stats from stores that are of course all grayed out. Would be nice to be able to go visit one of the stores. I don’t know. It all seems a bit mysterious. Their landing page says they’ve been featured on Forbes, NBC, FOX, MarketWatch, Digital Journal, and Medium. Couldn’t find anything on any of those sites. They have a sole testimonial from a guy named Igor. Didn’t sound like he was making much yet, but was excited about a potential six-figure payout two years from now.