The Science Of Flipping founder, Justin Colby, has a new offer he wants to tell you about. It’s called Do Deals Live. Two days. You, Justin, his team, maybe a handful of other people. All in one room. It’s not like any other event or mastermind you’ve been to before. No speakers. Just Justin and company showing you exactly how to find, analyze, negotiate, contract, and sell deals in today’s market. What’s it cost? Should you go? Find out in my review below.
“Come spend two days with me and my team, actively working on deals and learning in real time,” Justin says. “We’ll be revealing the top three strategies going into this new year and why it’s critical you know them. There’s negotiating techniques. Learn the best practices for negotiating with sellers and agents. Discover the very systems and processes I use in my own 7-figure REI business each and every day. During our two days together, we’ll help you find deals, get the best terms, and make real offers.”
“What else?” he continues. “We’ll help you determine if it’s a good deal, decide how much to offer, as well as what scripts and tactics to follow during your negotiations with the seller or agent. We’ll even walk you through the submission and follow-up process. Then we’ll help you Dispo the deal to our very active nationwide buyer’s list so you can cash in. Don’t wait to sign up because we fully intend to give every attendee special 1-on-1 attention. This’ll be a small event with a limited number of seats.”
“It’s an absolute no-brainer,” Justin finishes with. “Like I said, it’ll be me and my team doing deals, in the room, with you. Talking to agents, talking to homeowners, talking to wholesalers, talking to buyers, getting deals done. Make sure you are at this upcoming Do Deals Live event with your boy Justin Colby. I’ll see you guys there.” Justin puts these on every coupla months, so check his website for dates, locations, itinerary, et cetera. What are other people saying about working with him? Scroll down.

Ruchika wrote that she had just done her “first two wholesale deals… both within two weeks! Thank you Justin for being the best coach and mentor. I have learned so much through the TSOF program. The constant support and guidance from Justin and the connection with other students in the program gave me the confidence to do this. Now I can’t wait to go and do more deals!!” She included a screenshot of her Wells Fargo account, showing the two wires: one for $13,000 and another for $15,000.
Another lady wrote the following in the Level Up Private Coaching Mentorship Group: “Justin, thank you for steering me in the right direction after a stint of not doing anything, and for giving me more confidence. The training you have on how to talk to sellers really resonated with me ’cause it’s awesome. More importantly, for answering questions at a moment’s notice to either reword a contract or help me with a comp. This alone is worth the price of admission. Appreciate you very much. Thanks!”
Last but not least, there’s Jason, who left Justin a five-star review on Trustpilot, stating: “Justin was born to be a coach. He does an amazing job of taking things that seem nearly impossible and breaking them down into simple tasks. His mindset and ability to pivot will not only help you in your business but also in everyday life. Very happy that I reached out to Justin. I’m looking forward to crushing it with him this year and in the future!” Solid feedback. But I don’t love how he upsells you to higher and higher levels of coaching. Sounds expensive.