Peter Szabo has the fastest and easiest way for you to make $4- to $8k a month from home. Even if you’re a total beginner. And don’t worry, it’s completely recession-proof. And there’s basically no risk. How’s this possible? Because you’re not starting a business or even a side hustle. So what is it, Peter? Ya got me over here wagging my tail like a dog that smells sausage. Something to do with copying and pasting messages on Instagram. Read on for my review.
At, Peter says this “can really help you unlock your dream lifestyle. Working from anywhere, traveling, meeting people. You can do this part-time. A few hours a day, while watching Netflix and listening to Spotify in the background. It’s called remote setting. Now you’ve probably seen these online education businesses before. Think of Tony Robbins, Frank Kern, Grant Cardone, Marie Forleo, etc. They run a Facebook ad to a video, where a prospect would book a sales call, right?”
“Then a salesperson would jump on a call with ’em, sell ’em something for $5-, $10-, $20,000,” Peter continues. “But here’s the problem. The customer acquisition cost has skyrocketed. Ad platforms are way more competitive, way more strict. The people are getting banned. And to overcome that, a lot of these businesses are now relying on these so-called appointment setters to book sales calls for them instead. Instead of running ads, they just post on social media, tell people to DM ’em a word, right?”
That’s where a remote setter comes in. They’d jump in the chat to qualify those people and get ’em to schedule a call. These setters are typically commission only, so there’s zero risk for the gurus. And when they get a client, even after paying the setter and a salesperson, it’s still significantly cheaper than running ads. Herein lies the opportunity. You could come in as a remote setter, make sure the sales team’s calendar stays full, and take a piece of every sale. Remember, these are warm inbound leads.

You’re not spamming, you’re not cold calling, you’re not bothering anybody. These people have raised their hand and said they want the expert’s help. So you just chat with ’em on Instagram or wherever—through the guru’s account, so you don’t even have to show your face or anything—and that’s literally it. You can do it all from your iPhone. Say you get 5% of every dollar that came through you. Cool, so if the program sells for $5k, that’s $250 in your pocket each time the register rings. All for what, five or ten minutes worth of work for each appointment?
“But why Set And Sell and why now?” Peter pitches. “This company was born outta necessity. Again, ad costs are going up. Much of the industry has pivoted to appointment setters, but they need A-level setters. In my agency, Leadevo Inc., we have a network of over 300 successful coaching, consulting, and agency businesses that pay us for advice and ads management. We often refer our certified remote setters to them whenever there’s an opening. Appointment setting is hot. It’s the new trend.”
So what’s the offer? Peter’s got a 30-day Rapid Certification program. There’s step by step video training, fill-in-the-blank scripts, templates, commission trackers, and more. Like the menu at Cheesecake Factory, it’s got ev-a-ree-thing. Once you graduate, they’ll help you land your dream job remote setting. Even after you’re placed, they’ll continue to work with you and support you to help you compound your income. Cost? Peter doesn’t specify but he does drop a hint: it’s a “four figure investment.”