Channeling his inner slick car salesman, Marshall Sylver locks eyes with the camera, urging you to ramp up your wanting (wait, what?). His master plan? Turning you into a filthy rich multimillionaire. The challenge is, you’ve gotta reprogram your brain. Faith equals follow-through. What you’re doing right now, to produce the results you’re producing, will continue to produce those results. Wow. My mind is so blown, I’ll be finding pieces of it in my hair for weeks. This review might go off the rails.
“In order for things to change, you must change,” Marshall says, with the confidence of a cult leader. “It’s time for you to change. And the first change you wanna make? Is you want to believe that there is a system, there’s a way for you to become a multimillionaire. And it’s starting right now. There are millions of ways to become a multimillionaire. What if I were to help you find a vehicle, that you love, something that was fun doing, something you would do even if you weren’t getting paid for it?”
I can hardly contain my excitement… or is it indigestion? Either way, please, Marshall, continue. “What if you loved to travel?” he asks. “And I could show you how to find a way to become a multimillionaire, doing what you loved, traveling the world? What if you loved to play games and I showed you, there is a path to becoming a multimillionaire, and more, playing games? [Like a clown in a tutu, I can’t take this guy serious.] Did you know that it’s possible to become a multibillionaire, with a B, by investing in real estate?”
“It’s possible to become a multibillionaire by tinkering in your kitchen and planting in your back yard—if your name’s Martha Stewart,” he adds. “It’s possible to become a multibillionaire, with a B, by riding a unicycle, playing the accordion, and eating fire. His name is Guy Laliberté. He founded Cirque du Soleil. So there is certainly a million ways that you can become a millionaire. And I’d like to help you find the one that you would do whether you made money or not, so you can live a life of adventure rather than a life of maintenance.”

Doesn’t it take money to make money? The answer is no, Marshall says, pointing and grinning at the camera like he’s auditioning for a toothpaste commercial. But it will take resourcefulness. So if you don’t have money, you can fall back on time (effort) and your network. Millionaires ask themselves very powerful questions. Questions like, What is the highest and best use of my time? Marshall hates to break it to you, but scrolling through TikTok is not very millionaire, brah. What can you do to produce income? Are there people you know who can help?
I’m feeling wealthy just thinking about what Marshall’s about to say next. Riveting stuff. “Millionaires take risks,” he says. “In fact, no risk, no goodies. But this is challenging because you’ve lost in the past. Ya know, sometimes you lose, sometimes you win. Venture capitalists will invest $100 million dollars in 10 different companies, fully aware that nine of them will fail—and $90 million dollars will be lost forever. Why would they do this? Because that one company that succeeds makes billions and billions and billions of dollars.”
Other Marshall-isms: if someone put a gun to your head, you should be able to come up with $3,000 in the next three hours; you need to genuinely like people; be willing to learn new realities; get good at finessing people (more or less); buy more things, sell more things. Speaking of which, Marshall’s got something you can buy: his What Would A Millionaire Do (WWMD) audio program. Cost is $29.95, but I bet that comes with a side of upsells. I mean, if this guy was a character in a horror movie, I’d be yelling at the screen for the protagonist to run away.