Author: admin

Personal finance enthusiast Graham Stephan says fifty-five percent of Bitcoin holders are brand new, having just made their first crypto investment this year. What about you? Should you FOMO in? After all, we’ve all heard stories about how that one guy turned seventeen dollars into five-point-nine million with Shiba Inu; or that chick who bought her parents a new home after Elon tweeted about Doge; or how your buddy’s girlfriend’s creepy uncle bought ETH back when it was under forty bucks, right?No question, quite a few millionaires have been made, in a short amount of time, thanks to the explosion…

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Sarah Chrisp runs the Wholesale Ted YouTube channel. She recently shared her top niches to make money on the internet here in 2022. Niche number one? The eco-friendly niche. If you look at Google Trends for the term “environmentally friendly,” you’ll see there’s strong search volume that keeps creeping up over time. Sarah doesn’t think that’ll slow down anytime soon. More and more people are starting to care about how their products are made and how that might affect the environment. And yeah, eco-friendly products are gonna cost more to create. However, people are willing to pay more for them,…

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Printables are awesome because the income you earn from them is almost entirely passive. When someone purchases one of them, they can just download it themselves, print it, use it as they wish, and there’s really nothing more you gotta do. And in terms of digital printable product ideas, there are tons that are selling incredibly well, right now, on Etsy. Bingo, party invitations, stationery, letters, checklists, wall art, and so much more. Scroll down, read on. “Not only are these things easy to create, but they’re super easy to fulfill,” says Etsy super seller, Rachel Rofe. “I’m not saying…

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Entre Institute founder Jeff Lerner’s putting something together called The Five Day Dream Business Challenge. Meaning, he’s hosting five simple-to-follow training sessions all about how to build a home-based online business completely from scratch. It’ll happen live, inside a “free” private group. Hundreds of folks who opted into Jeff’s The Millionaire Shortcut email list have already registered. Should you? What do you need to know? What’s the catch?Here’s what Jeff and company have planned inside The Five Day Dream Business Challenge. On day one, he’s gonna share the best way to launch a work from home business that fuels an…

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Adam Whiting is the CEO of Entre Institute, which is the education company you see Mr. Millionaire Shortcut, Jeff Lerner, relentlessly advertising all over social media. “So I help the leadership team and help run the operations,” Adam says in their Meet The CEO video on Entre Institute dot com. “The most exciting part is the opportunity to lead and help people grow, I would say. And that’s what I wake up to do.”“I’m here to kind of help carry forward the vision,” he continues, “and always ask, ‘What’s next? Where are we going?’ And being able to work with…

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Ravi Abuvala likes selling stuff. Scaling With Systems, Client Acquisition Pack, Remote Integrator, you name it. He’s even got a Scaling Initiative mastermind that costs eighty grand a year. Gross, but that’s what I wanna talk about. See, when those “high-level” marketers fly in to Miami to “mastermind” at Ravi’s condo, you’d think they’d spend all their time on the ninja stuff. Facebook ads targeting, getting your VSL to convert five percent higher. But no. Scroll down.In reality, the first day is usually spent discussing things like personal routines, staying focused, how to build the biz without sacrificing relationships, how…

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If Teeka Tiwari spots a trend in the investment space, by golly, he’s gonna put together a ninety minute YouTube ad to cash in on it. “There’s no denying the prices of some of these non-fungible tokens are ridiculous,” Teeka says, reading from a teleprompter while wearing his best impromptu face. “Just a few months ago I laughed this concept outta the room. I couldn’t fathom the idea of a cartoon ape selling for six figures.” “But you know what?” Teeka continues. “I had to eat my words. Because the reality is, all these images that are selling for millions?…

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Billy Gene Is Marketing, we all know that by now. So what would he do if he were broke, with no brand, no team, no clue what to sell, but needed to make money as fast as possible? Say a thousand bucks in a day? First, he’d stop calling it money. Instead, he’d call it TP, for Trading Power. Because that’s what you’re lacking if money’s funny: Trading Power. You have nothing of value to trade someone in exchange for money.So how do you get more TP? Simple, you learn to solve problems. What kind of problem? Well, remember the…

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Remote Integrator founder Ravi Abuvala dropped outta law school a few years back, when his dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Ends up seeing a Tai Lopez ad, buys his SMMA course, wasn’t that great, but it didn’t need to be. It introduced Ravi to a whole new world of online marketing, and the explosive income potential and freedom that came with it. Boom, he was hooked. He kept buying courses, hiring mentors, trying to shorten his learning curve.Fast forward to today: Ravi’s making multiple seven figures a year, living the exact life Tai showed off in his…

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Dave Menz is the Laundromat Millionaire. He believes the laundromat business is the best small biz in America. So should you get into it? Not necessarily. Because maybe it’s not the best for you, specifically. “Let me explain,” Dave says. “I’ve seen a lot of people get into the laundromat business for the wrong reasons, which doesn’t just hurt them but also their community and the industry as a whole.” Read on for my Laundromat Millionaire review.“And that’s because they’ve been sold this dream,” Dave continues, “that a laundromat is this incredibly passive income powerhouse that’ll immediately make money with…

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