Adam Holland knows a way to make fifteen hundred, five thousand, even sixteen thousand dollars a day. And the best part is, you don’t have to build a website or do anything techie. You don’t have to be a marketing expert. You don’t need to do any telling or selling. You don’t even need to talk to anyone. What’s even crazier is that you don’t even have to use your own money to get started. Skeptical? Let’s hear him out. Scroll down for my Adam Holland review.
Last year alone, Adam’s business, Adam Holland Marketing Inc., had a gross profit of five hundred and fifty-four thousand. He’s been making bank like this for more than a decade now. It’s all done online so he’s free to spend quality time with his family, travel, meet up with friends, try new adventures, and live life to the fullest. He’s not the only one. His YouTube ads show other ordinary people winning with his system.
Why not join them? Adam reveals all the juicy details and necessary steps in his free guide, Fast Start Side Hustle. Or is it Social Media Success System? I get confused because each of his YouTube ads takes you to a different URL with the same eBook (the one where the front cover is a photo of Adam leaning up against a nice-looking Lexus); it just has a new title each time. Maybe that’s suspicious, maybe it’s for tracking, I’m not sure.
Either way, if you click-through and enter your email, he’ll tell you how to get some of those mouthwatering checks in the mail yourself. “But I’m only going to be giving this away for free for a very short time,” Adam warns, “so don’t walk, run and grab yourself a copy right now by clicking on the button somewhere around this video.” Should you? Or is this just another work from home pipe dream that’s way too good to be true? Read on.

It leads to the same biz opp I’ve already reviewed. Numerous times. Each of these internet marketers like Adam want you to think the business is actually called Fast Start Side Hustle or Social Media Success System or whatever they come up with next. Again, I’m not sure why. That could be for tracking purposes or list segmentation (building different audiences of people interested in different topics) or because there are lots of affiliates all promoting that offer and this is the only way to ensure they get credited with the sale.
Regardless of what it’s called when you see it, or which six or seven figure earner’s promoting it, you’ll end up on a long pitch page for the opportunity. You’ll know when you’ve arrived. You’ll see big read headlines. Yellow highlighter everywhere. Bolded buzzwords like “secret formula,” “high profit,” and “action-taker bonuses.” There will be talk of making “five or even six figures a month from home” as a “lifestyle entrepreneur.” You’ll see commission checks and a vague description of how it all works. Something about a Coach Marc, your new millionaire mentor.
You’ll be told to hurry. That if you don’t act within forty-eight hours you could miss out on this once in a lifetime opportunity. One that will cost you almost twenty-two grand to join at the highest level. Which qualifies you to earn the most per sale once you’re in. What would you be selling though? Digital e-learning products. Courses and such. I actually find Adam really likable. A down to earth family guy. I just wish he’d share more specifics about how it all works.