Perry Belcher is older, wiser, wears cooler glasses, and apparently drives a Rolls-Royce these days. Oh, and he’s got a new offer. Copy Blueprint laminated cheatsheets which hold the secret formula for coming up with cash-grabbing offer outlines, in an hour or less, even if you can’t write copy to save your life. Looks like one of those annoying free + shipping dealios, which probably leads to a barrage of upsells. Let’s hear him out though.
“Hey, Perry Belcher here with the fastest, easiest way to double, triple, quadruple your effectiveness as a copywriter,” goes his pitch video. “I wanna give you my FIBS copywriting maps absolutely free. These are the secret sauce tool of some of the best copywriters in the world. I’m gonna walk through with ya really quick now and tell ya what to do and how to use these. And again, I’m gonna give ’em to ya absolutely free in just a minute. So, number one, you’ve got my offer research form.”
“So, the big secret between great copywriters and not-so-great copywriters is research,” Perry continues. “Good copywriters research. So if you follow this map on how I research, and then on the back all you have to do is fill out the blanks and it’ll answer all the questions on the front of the map. And you’ll have a full research document for your copywriting. Second is my headline writing formula. I’m pretty famous for this thing. So all you have to do is follow the map on the front, fill out the form on the back, and you’ll be able to write monster, world-class copywriting headlines.”
“Which is the hardest thing for most people to do in copywriting. Map three, this is your storytelling map. So every piece of copy that I have has a story in it. It could be a 1-minute story or a 20-minute story. But it has a story in it. This is the map that I use and follow to write those stories. And on the back, again, you fill in the blanks. These are all dry-erasable. You can wipe them off and use ’em over and over again. You can make photocopies of ’em and write on paper if you like that better. But everything’s here.”

“And then lastly, in the last map,” Perry says, “you’re gonna learn how to ask for the money. You’re gonna be able to make the offer. This is how I craft winning offers. How I make sure that every element’s in the offer to get the highest level of conversion. And again, on the back of the map, you just fill in the blanks and everything is done for you. So these maps, together, will make you a great copywriter if you do nothing else. And I wanna give ’em to you free. All I ask is you pay for the postage [gee, didn’t see that one coming]. That’s it. They’ll literally go out today. You’ll have ’em before you know it.”
Perry believes this is, by far, the best way to learn how to write amazing copy. You don’t need to enroll in some massive course that takes you a month to work your way through. Or read every single book on copy there is. Granted, none of that’s gonna hurt, but it’s hella time-consuming, right? So these Copy Blueprint Cheatsheets are how you fast-track it. It’s like becoming a good cook, this weekend, as opposed to trying to become a master chef over the next 5–10 years.
And Perry’s got the recipe if you’re willing to follow it. In the end, you can still get delicious copywriting results, even if you don’t know the first thing about the ingredients used. I’ll give him credit, like the top tier copywriter he is, Perry does address the elephant in the room. He says the reason he’s hooking you up with this incredible “free” offer is ’cause he has lots of other marketing and copywriting stuff he wants to sell ya. Seminars, live events, masterminds, and all that. So yeah, fair play to him.