Jason Wojo, of Jason Runs Ads, has a bunch of suggestions for ya. The first is to just walk right in to local businesses. “Going to a local business, offering them a free trial,” Jason says. “Something to incentivize the business owner, right? So, that’s what I did in the beginning. I went to local businesses like barber shops, painting companies, roofing companies, restaurants, things like that that were low-hanging fruit that weren’t really taking their marketing seriously.”
Jason would offer to run their ads for free for 14 days. After that, they could look at the results and decide whether or not they wanted to move forward with him. He calls that the number one easiest way to get your first social media marketing agency client this week. Not only that, but because you’re gonna have the local business cover the ad spend, in a way, you’re also learning on their dime, right? You can test different campaigns, see what works best, and not risk any of your own money.
The second thing you could try would be email marketing. You could go to Fiverr.com, pay for an existing list of emails for different types of business owners, then use a service like Lemlist to blast them out an offer. If that’s not effective [and I doubt it would be because the Fiverr lists are probably so used and abused], you could always pay a VA to manually go through and gather emails for all the small businesses, let’s say, within a 20-mile radius of the city you’re in, and do it that way.
“The third method is going to be through Instagram organic or Facebook groups,” Jason continues. “So, finding clients through Instagram. Searching for certain niches that you know you’re good at. Finding some ecom store that’s in the beauty niche and shooting them a short custom video [through DM]. And then that video is you going over their website, their landing page, any ads that they’re running. And then you can link ’em straight to your calendar to book a call if they wanna know more. Same thing for Facebook groups.”

“And then the fourth way is through ads, which is the way that I run things nowadays. And this is gonna be your most predictable way of getting clients in the beginning [not to mention the most scalable]. But if you don’t have deep pockets? Then the first three ways are very very effective. So I hope this opened your eyes to four easy, quick ways that you could go out and get your first SMMA client, maybe even this week. And I also have a program I just released for anyone building their digital marketing agency.”
“If you’re looking to obviously copy and paste the exact same strategies that I use to generate, you know, $4-million-plus a year in my own agency? Then this is for you. I’m giving you everything I’ve got, okay? This is gonna be the most loaded up course, I’m doing founder’s pricing, so it’s gonna be less than $100. But that’s for the first 100 people or so who wanna get in. So check that out. The videos won’t be uploaded yet; we’ll be uploading ’em over the next 30 days as we see what the interest level is like.”
Hmm, I personally wouldn’t pay till the course is fully finished, just in case it’s a flop and Jason never follows through with it. But I like the advice he just gave and it’s clear to me the dude knows his stuff and actually lives this. Another thing you can do is get free leads, in advance, by ranking itty-bitty sites in Google, and then simply email local businesses and see if they wanna sample ’em. This way, you’re leading with value from the very first interaction and there’s no waiting on their part. See below.