Jim Kwik helps people learn quickly. He believes leaders are readers; that reading is to your mind what exercise is to your body. Do you have too much to read and too little time? Do you buy books that sit on your shelf collecting dust? Would you like to have laser-like focus to not only finish them but retain more of what you read? If so, Jim teamed up with Mindvalley to create a brand new masterclass. Scroll down for my Super Reading review.
Jim’s YouTube ad takes you to free fifteen minute speed reading masterclass hosted by Mindvalley. Once you attend this, and learn Jim’s science-backed secret to read faster and absorb more of what you read, you’ll be presented with an opportunity to join the full Super Reading masterclass, also put on by Mindvalley. The cost is $349 or three monthly payments of $129. Alternatively, you can buy a Mindvalley membership for $499 per year. This unlocks Super Reading and all other Mindvalley courses.
“Imagine if you could read and understand one book a week; fifty-two books a year,” Jim says. “Imagine if you could retain everything that you read. Imagine if you had energy and focus while you read. Imagine the confidence you would have to be able to build your business learning from people who are experts in their field, in any category, who wrote a book.”
Super Reading makes that possible. It takes you from shelf-help to self-help. The twenty-one day program promises to triple your reading speed in just ten minutes a day. Not only that, but boost your focus, comprehension, retention, and your overall enjoyment. End the lie that you’ll always be a slow reader. That you’re just not smart enough to read any faster.

“We’re gonna take you through a very simple, easy, and fun process to build the new you,” Jim adds. “We know all behavior is belief-driven. And here’s the truth: there is no such thing as a good or bad reader; there’s just a trained reader and an untrained reader. The problem? Most of us haven’t had the training since elementary school. And that’s not sufficient to get us through the world we live in today.”
Super Reading condenses twenty-five years of teaching and research to activate your accelerated reading and learning potential. So you can finally catch up, keep up, and get ahead. This quest is about revealing and realizing your fullest potential. Super Reading will change how you think, how you process information, how you retain and apply the material to gain an edge in every area of life.
Super Reading doesn’t take time, it makes time. You’re saving hours a day, weeks of every month, months of every single year. At the end of twenty-one days, you will be a speed reader. You can go through the first ten days risk-free. This is the only Mindvalley masterclass I’ve seen that isn’t trash. Normally, it’s just Vishen selling hocus-pocus. This is different. I like and respect Jim and think spending three hundred and fifty bucks to become a more efficient reader is money well spent. But then you have to deal with the Mindvalley marketing machine trying to take a lot more of your money on the back-end. Which sucks.