Joel Erway has a new course model that allows course sellers to grow 10 times faster with way less effort. That’s right, you can go from charging $997 to $8,000+ and make an extra $20- to $50,000 a month selling your course. Even if you’ve never made a single sale before. And don’t worry, the process is low tech; you don’t need a long-winded webinar or an 8,000-word sales page; and you won’t need to give away free stuff or do a complicated launch, either.
But first, why high ticket? It’s the quickest way to cover and then exceed your living expenses. And most people will never get enough traffic to generate hundreds or thousands of low ticket sales per month. Plus, you might be surprised: knocking down a $10,000 sale takes no more effort than a $100 sale. So yeah, if your goal is to make $30,000 per month, even if you’re selling your course for $5,000, you only need six sales a month. And that actually sounds doable, doesn’t it?
Yeah but, are there really that many people out there who’re gonna cough up $3-, $5-, even $10k or more for a course or coaching program? Joel sure thinks so. Especially when you follow his system. Which starts with an “offer ad.” No-nonsense, straight to the point, you tell ’em what you do, warn ’em that it’s not cheap, and tell ’em to take the next step only if they’re interested and qualified. If so, they’ll click, opt-in, check out your simple 8–12 minute presentation, fill out an app, book a call, and hopefully join.
Do you have to use a phone call to close the sale? Not necessarily, but it’s a good place to start, Joel says. Then, once you have more momentum and social proof and experience and a better feel for what it takes to get someone to pull the trigger, you can graduate to an automatic “buy now” sale, down the road, if you so choose. Either way, the beauty is that the system does the selling for you from the very moment they discover you (like through your Facebook newsfeed ad, for example).

So if you don’t consider yourself a marketer and the thought of pressuring someone to buy makes you feel queasy, this is perfect for you. And all it takes is one. One system, one ad, one message, one offer, one person to run the entire thing (unless you wanna hire a salesperson). “Do you see why this is the fastest and easiest way to get to $30- to $50k per month?” Joel says. “So you can earn the money you deserve and finally start living your dream lifestyle once and for all?”
If so, and if you want Joel to help you implement all of this the right way? And hook you up with all the tools, templates, strategies and swipes you’d need to speed everything up? Perhaps his program, High Ticket Courses 2.0, is perfect for you. It’ll help you get leads, convert ’em into big ticket buyers of your signature program, and scale up from there. But what if you only have a low ticket product? Or nothing created at all? No problem. You’re still welcome to join, and Joel can quarterback your new high dollar offer once you’re inside.
High Ticket Courses 2.0 costs $1,997. You can also do $797 x 3. There’s a bunch of bonuses, a satisfaction guarantee, and some decent testimonials. My thoughts? Joel’s likable and trustworthy, seems to know what he’s doing, and I found myself nodding in agreement with most of his talking points. As far as negatives, a lot of the stuff he was referencing was from 2017, which seems crazy outdated. Also, his presentation was two hours long, so there’s a slight paradox of practice there.