Zachary Spear has a weird and crazy network marketing formula. It sponsors reps daily, duplicates automatically, and runs circles around home, hotel, and Zoom meetings. It takes less than one afternoon to implement. And you can do it without your friends and family knowing you’re involved in multilevel marketing. So what is it? Will it really work for you? What is the catch? How much does it cost? I’ll try to answer all that and more below. Read on for my Rebel Builders review.
Normally, when you recruit someone, they join your downline and that’s that. You make a little off them joining, and maybe a little more if they actually produce. In an average company, you’ll need hundreds, if not a thousand or more business builders below you, just to earn a full-time income. Way too slow. That could take years. Zach has a smarter approach. It combines network marketing, online marketing, and selling your own course or system.
When you do this, you can go full-time in as little as three to six months, sponsoring just five to ten reps a month. Say you sell a course for a grand. That money’s all yours. You get it right away. No waiting weeks for your company to cut you a check. Only after someone buys the course do you ask them to sign up for your business opportunity. And whatever that makes you, over time, is just cherries on top. It’s better for you and it’s better for them.
Think about it. You have to be realistic about what you’re up against today. Your prospects can make five grand a month drop shipping products on Shopify. Or doing Amazon FBA. Or Walmart automation. Or setting up little billboard ads for businesses. No way they’re going to bug their friends and family and do one-on-one meetups all day to make less money with your direct sales company. So your course or system becomes the newer, sexier way.

Okay, so what does Zach’s process look like? You run paid ads on social media. Facebook, Instagram, maybe even YouTube. People see them, click over to a squeeze page. You offer them something of value in exchange for their name and email. A blueprint, report, short video training, anything. They opt in, enjoy the freebie, and then they can fill out an application to work with you on a more intimate level. You phone close them on your course or system, then your biz opp.
Even if you spent five hundred dollars to make a sale, again, assuming you sell your product for a grand, you’re still doubling your money in the short-term. And then you’ll make more if they join your company. This is leveraged income. If you’re advanced, you can switch your sales funnel to an automated webinar (instead of a phone close) and unlock serious scale. But right about now, you probably have two big objections, don’t you?
One, what if your company doesn’t allow this sort of thing? Well, Zach read through the fine print in dozens of MLM company contracts. Here’s the deal: as long as you sell people your system first, you’re in the clear. The trouble comes when that order gets flipped. Two, what if you don’t want to build a course or system? Then you can become an affiliate for MLM Rebel Builders, Zach says. No mention of what MLM Rebels costs, but I bet it’s not cheap. I like Zach, love his approach, but don’t care for multilevel marketing.