The Motley Fool has spent millions of dollars on YouTube ads promoting their Stock Advisor service. Clearly, it’s making them rich. Can it do the same for you? Or, at the very least, help you beat the market? What’s included? How much does it cost? Is it worth it? I’ll answer all that and more. Read on for my Stock Advisor review.
Brothers Tom and David Gardner launched The Motley Fool, a financial services and media company, back in 1993. Their website,, reels in about 32 million readers per month, all from free search engine traffic. Millions of additional leads are generated from paid ads ran on Facebook, Google, and YouTube. They offer a slew of paid programs and premium newsletters, but their flagship product is Stock Advisor.
So what is it? Stock Advisor is a subscription service. Members get unlimited access to world class stock advice designed to increase your net worth. In addition, you get two or more new stock picks, every month, straight from cofounders Tom and David. All the monotonous research and analysis is done for you.
The idea is, in just five minutes a month, you can optimize your portfolio. The Motley Fool has a refreshingly simple philosophy. They believe your best chance to succeed in the stock market is to buy at least 15 stocks and hold them for at least five years. They admit that, while stocks will inevitably go up and down, investing is still the number one way to build wealth long-term.

More than 700,000 people have bought Stock Advisor since its inception. Over the past 18 years, they claim to have outperformed the gold standard S&P 500 by a multiple of five. How? The Stock Advisor team does this by “rigorously combing every corner of every industry for overlooked companies poised to shatter the market, often when these businesses are flying under Wall Street’s radar.”
The cost of Stock Advisor is $99 for year one, then $199 for each year thereafter. Or you can pay monthly. It’s $39 every 30 days. Either way, you can cancel anytime. However, only annual subscribers are backed by a 30 day money-back guarantee. Worth it? Probably. At least for the active investor with a significant bankroll, that is. Stock Advisor is affordable, risk-free (if you pay yearly), and its track record speaks for itself.
The only consistent complaint from past subscribers was that, once you sign up, you’ll be bombarded with more paid offers. Many of which are far more expensive than Stock Advisor. For me, this is a huge turnoff. A deal-breaker, even. Which is a shame since the product in question has undeniable value.
But this is how these financial publishing companies operate. As long as you’re willing to keep swiping your credit card, they’ll happily come up with more secrets to sell you. At least The Motley Fool doesn’t rely on hype and fake backstories to separate you from your money. Their upsells are annoying, but not unethical. Which is more than their slimy competitors can say.
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