Jacob Caris and his fur coat have a question for you: want to build a multiple six figure online business via high ticket affiliate marketing? If so, he’s got just the thing. It’s called Super Affiliate Accelerator. It has everything you need to start knocking down four figure commissions starting now. Just one small problem: some say it’s a pyramid scheme. I’ll tell you what I think in my SAA review below.
Why high ticket affiliate marketing? It’s simple. Powerful. Beginner-friendly. If you’re making $1,000 (or so) per sale, it doesn’t take long to cross that coveted $10,000 per month mark. Healthy margins mean you can run paid ads and still be profitable. And of course, as an affiliate, you get off easy. No product. No fulfillment. No customer support. No employees. Work wherever, whenever. It really is an amazing way to make money.
But what can you promote that pays a thousand bucks a sale, right? Jacob has an idea. Join Super Affiliate Accelerator and just promote that. He’ll let you use the same $1,976 per day funnel you came through to learn about SAA in the first place. They’ll even hop on the phone and close your leads for you. All you have to do? Is drive traffic. And they’ll provide cutting-edge training on how to do that.
Why work with Jacob Caris? He’s a proven commodity. He’s a top affiliate for Russell Brunson’s ClickFunnels, and won their Dream Car Challenge. He’s a top affiliate for David Sharpe’s Legendary Marketer. Same goes for Tony Robbins’ and Dean Graziosi’s Knowledge Broker Blueprint (KBB) program. Jacob was able to walk away from his corporate job and become a full-time super affiliate.

Super Affiliate Accelerator is not just another course. Yes, Jacob gives you the step by step video instruction you need. Yes, there’s a private Facebook group and weekly support calls. But most importantly, remember, you get to plug into that same funnel that’s making Jacob nearly two grand a day. And here’s where I have a problem. What you’re really buying is the right to resell SAA for $1,000 commissions. That’s it. Nobody gives a damn about the “product” that comes with it, do they?
So it’s not much different than an MLM. Maybe you can still call it affiliate marketing because the recruiting only goes one level deep, but c’mon. How would you explain this to a friend? “I sell people on the dream of making $1k commissions who then sell people on the dream of making $1k commissions”? Think about how ridiculous that sounds. Look at the track record of similar schemes. Empower Network: shut down. MOBE: slapped into oblivion by the Federal Trade Commission. Digital Altitude: same as MOBE.
It’s not sustainable or ethical. Yet, sadly, hundreds have already invested; and many more will. Super Affiliate Accelerator has three levels you can buy in at: SAA Basic costs $1,000; SAA Core costs $2,500 and gets you extra support; SAA Deluxe costs $4,500 and you get one-on-one calls with the man himself, Jacob Caris. Maybe on those calls he’ll give you a pep talk: “Just think, if you spend more money on Facebook ads and become one of the top SAA affiliates, you, too, could be listed on the lawsuit when the FTC sues us! Go get ’em, champ!”