Would you like to get hired by one of the hottest companies in tech? Because they’re desperately looking to fill positions in both customer success and sales. SV Academy can help. They’ll get you job ready in just four short weeks. You’ll make seventy-five grand or more per year. And you won’t pay a dime for training until you start making money. A job. A career. A community. SV Academy can provide the learning, support, and tools you need to forge a new path in tech.
SV Academy has two ways to help you break into tech. First, you can start as a Sales Development Representative (SDR) and do outbound prospecting. You would enroll in three hundred hours of training divvied up between small group classes, instructor-led live online classes, self-paced work, and virtual employer projects. You’ll gain technical and industry knowledge, real world on-the-job experience, invaluable mentorship from SDR leaders, and community access.
Or, option two, you could start as a Customer Service Associate (CSA) and work closely with customers to build relationships and create value. You would go through four weeks of instructor-led live classes, self-paced work, and mentorship from customer success leaders in the industry. You’ll have the opportunity to land an eight week internship at a top tech company that pays ten grand. You’ll also get access to a network of up-and-comers in the tech space.
You put in the work, SV Academy leverages their connections to accelerate your career. Over four hundred companies turn to SV Academy first when looking to hire. Your professional career coach will help you determine the best matches given your profile and personal goals and groom you to ace the interview and secure your dream job. SurveyMoneky, Vimeo, Udemy, Cloudflare, Amplitude, Handshake, and more have all hired SV Academy grads.

So how does it work, exactly? SV Academy bets on you; you pay them back later. Other than a hundred dollar commitment fee to participate in the program, there’s no other up-front cost. When you land a high paying customer-facing tech job, you will be required to pay SV Academy ten K to cover your tuition. You have thirty days from your date of hire. You should note that many of their employer partners offer scholarships as part of their hiring packages.
But what happens if you don’t land a job? Once six months has passed and you haven’t yet gotten a job, you’re off the hook. You pay nothing. Do you owe SV Academy any additional money if you get promoted? Nope. What about interest? Zero. How long after graduating does the average person get offered a job? Twenty-seven days. Will you have to relocate to get a job? Depends on the job. More than likely, yes. Unless you live in a major metro area right now.
What are the requirements to apply for SV Academy? While competitive, the only requirements are, one, you would have to be able to legally work in the United States for the long-term; and, two, for the CSA program you would need a bachelor’s degree. If you do their full-time school you would not be able to keep your day job. A part-time option is available for those where that’s not feasible. Overall, I like the concept. Seems like SV is putting their money where their mouth is.