Robin Sharma has a new digital course based on his book, The Everyday Hero Manifesto. It’s a step-by-step system to multiply your success in your professional and personal life. Here’s Robin’s pitch: “One of the great heroes to me is Martin Luther King Jr. And he once said, ‘If you have not discovered something you are willing to die for, then you are not fit to live.’ And to me, if there’s one idea I’d be willing to take a bullet for, it’s that we are born into genius.”
“It’s the idea that every human being alive today has incredible promise,” Robin continues. “It’s the idea or the concept that every beating heart on the planet today not only has love in that heart, not only has creativity and the possibility of productivity, but every human being alive today can have an impact on the people around them. And so I’m so excited to share with you that I am here in Rome and I just finished five days of shooting a course that is absolutely transformational.”
“And it’s called The Everyday Hero Manifesto Method, and it’s based on The Everyday Hero Manifesto. And this premium digital program is real a tour de force on three primary elements. Number one, helping you battle-proof and install the mindsets and the heartsets of the heavyweights on the planet, so you dominate your domain, so you push magic and masterwork into your field, and so that you become the hero of your own life in a world of so much complexity.”
“The second core theme or throughline of the course is maximizing your productivity. We live in a world where so many people are suffering from broken focus syndrome, so many people are utterly distracted, so many people are doing busy work, they’re busy being busy, but they’re not doing the real work that would allow them to dominate their domains, build their fortunes, and handcraft beautiful lives. And the third part of the program is how do you achieve spiritual liberty?”

Robin continues, “How do you live with tranquility? How do you connect with wisdom and the heroism and the wonder that lives deep within your core? Before, the world might’ve told you you can’t be a genius. That the people we admire, like the titans of industry and the sports superstars and the chess masters and the great creatives and the movement makers, are cut from a different cloth. Well that is just not true. I’ve been mentoring many of the most successful people in the world for over twenty years.”
“I share much of what I’ve taught them in terms of learning frameworks and tactics and insights and morning routines and daily rituals and weekly habits and planning processes and ways to build a great company; I share so much of it in The Everyday Manifesto Method. You might be wondering, what does the inside of this extraordinary program look like? The first thirty days are intensive. They’re inspiring, designed to give you some immediate results to become an everyday hero.”
“After that, we get into me mentoring you. I become your mentor every week for one entire year. For fifty-two weeks you’ll receive a mentoring video where I will help you become more positive, stay inspired, I will offer routines and rituals so you become a heavyweight in your field.” Yadda yadda, Robin’s gonna help you become healthy, happy, madly in love, and rich. Honestly, I’m over these self-help generalists who use big, beautiful words and lots of alliteration but never really say anything. Cost is seventy-seven bucks if you like that kind of thing.