Trevor Berke is nothing if not polarizing. His YouTube ads are getting weirder with each iteration. In the most recent one I saw, he steps off an elevator wearing this bucket hat, and sorta yells at ya to stop binge-watching videos because he’s got the ultimate way to put a few extra dollars in your pocket. But don’t worry, if you’re sick and tired of gurus promoting things like ecom and Amazon and all that garbage? Well, this ain’t that. And then he throws a random “ECOM” license plate on the floor.
“I’ve got a three step system that’s super easy, super repeatable,” Trevor continues in the ad, “to take advantage of the Money Leverage System starting today. And all you have to do is click on this ad and get inside because I’ve put together a one hundred percent free training that breaks down all the steps that you need to do to take advantage of the Money Leverage System to start making five thousand dollars every single month.”
“But, the best news is? This is an automated income stream. So, just like Alexis here who saw this ad [flashes picture of the supposed Alexis], she was just watching YouTube, clicked on this ad, got inside the one hundred percent free training that I put together for you, she implemented everything that I did and made over sixty-two thousand dollars in a single month [flashes proof, but it’s dated 2020, which is like ten years ago in internet time].”
“Best news, like I said, this is an automated income stream. So you don’t have to trade your time. You don’t have to stop watching YouTube. You don’t have to start hanging out with other people; you can always hang out with your friends, go out and party, because with this system, you make money passively. That’s the key. You don’t have to trade your time for money. You don’t have to sell physical products like ecom, you don’t have to do Amazon, all that other nonsense.”

“This is a super simple way, with three super easy repeatable steps, to make over five thousand dollars every single month,” Trevor promises. “And we have hundreds of Automation Editions members doing this. Some of our members are actually doing over ten thousand dollars a month. I don’t know if you’re gonna make over ten thousand, I don’t know if you’re gonna be like Alexis who made over sixty-two thousand dollars in a single month, but if you skip this ad, you’re not gonna make anything.”
“You’re gonna make zero, nulch, nil, because you’re not gonna understand the three steps to take advantage of the Money Leverage System starting today. And the bad news is, if you skip this ad, you don’t have much longer and you probably won’t see this ad again [LOL, riiight], so you’re gonna give up the opportunity to take advantage of the Money Leverage System. And you’re not gonna start making five thousand dollars every single month online, starting today.”
Blah, blah, go register, it’s free, I’ll see you there, and the ad ends. You can tell by my tone, I’m not a fan of the way Trevor markets. Do I think you can make money helping people repair their credit score (which is what he actually teaches)? Yes. And can you automate it with systems and a team? Yes. But do I believe it’s ethical to promise every stranger on the internet who sees his ad a guaranteed five Gs a month, starting today, without really doing anything whatsoever? I do not. And for that reason, I’m out.