Thomas Brooks Jr. has the ultimate side gig. It’s perfect for parents who want something new, unique, and fun. All you need is a few hours a week, a cell phone, social media, and money for marketing. From there, you’ll post about things you do, use, and love. Followers inquire. And you send them discount links to order whatever products caught their eye. Skeptical? Me too. Scroll down for my Thomas Brooks review.
So can you really “post and get paid daily,” as Thomas Brooks suggests? And what is the business model, exactly? On his pitch page, Thomas describes it as a new ecommerce play. A blend of online shopping and social media. Social Retail, as they call it. There’s some pictures of Thomas and others on stage. Short videos from other random people. Testimonials. And then a video of Thomas talking about, wait for it, network marketing. Ugh. Is that what this is?
Maybe not. On the next page, Thomas assures us this has nothing to do with: memory jogging; pestering friends and family; sampling products; hosting home parties; hotel seminars; three-way calls; and other annoying things typically associated with MLM. “No, no, no!” says Thomas. “We will be doing none of that!”
Instead, this is about real systems. Cutting-edge strategies. Products no one else has. Unlimited customer acquisition methods. And a supportive environment. The system flat-out works, Thomas promises. They’re operating in 29 countries and they’ve racked up more than three million customers in the last five years alone. And remember, you get paid daily. Supposedly. Would you like to know more? “Then book a 15 minute strategy call with me,” Thomas says. Hmm.

I had to dig a little more to get clarity. After snooping through Thomas’ YouTube channel, it’s clear that this is, in fact, a funnel to get you to sign up to his new MLM company. Now Thomas seems like a good guy. Proud father. Probably has good enough intentions. But multilevel marketing? Really? Why not use your skills to build a real business?
Think about it. If Thomas Brooks Jr. was proud of what he was doing, he would come right out and say what it is. “Hey, I just joined this incredible MLM company and I’d like to recruit you into my downline so I can make more money.” But he can’t do that because no one would be interested. So he has to tip toe around the truth and lure you in with lifestyle marketing and hype.
And he probably promoted his last scheme (or four) the same way. “It’s new. It’s proven. No one else you know is doing this. We just had our biggest month ever.” It sickens me. They join a company. Slam in as many suckers as they can, till it gets saturated or shut down by the FTC. Hop to the next one. Repeat. And the same people keep falling for it, following Thomas and the other top earners from one complicated comp plan to the next. I can’t.