Morrison Publishing, by Morrison brothers Adrian and Anthony, have yet another business opportunity for you. This one involves YouTube. It the explainer video, Anthony says there’s a six step process he used to make three hundred and thirty three thousand dollars in the last twelve months spending about an hour a week posting free videos to YouTube. And no, you don’t need to be on camera. And you can get started today. Skeptical? So am I. Read on for my YouTube Accelerator review.
You don’t need millions of subscribers or billions of views to do damage on YouTube. You can have a small amount of traffic trickling into your YouTube videos and turn that into real cash. Anthony figured all this out when he did a little experiment. He posted one YouTube video per week, for a full year, that actually promoted an offer. Each video was about ten minutes in length. So it amounted to about eight and a half hours of his time is all. And yet, each video made him an average of sixty-four hundred dollars.
Which comes out to an hourly rate of about thirty-eight grand. Jeez. Probably a little higher than what you’re making at that nine-to-five, huh? “That’s why I love my YouTube business,” Anthony laughs. “And my channel isn’t even in the top one million for video views. I’m literally a nobody on YouTube. Point is, you don’t have to be this mega superstar in order to make money with YouTube. I’ve made over a hundred million dollars online, and YouTube has been one of my main focal points these last twelve months.”
Does YouTube free traffic actually work? Anthony admits he’s usually pretty cynical about free traffic. It’s slow to build up, tends to be low quality, it’s not predictable, and it can be complicated. But. When it comes to YouTube, he’s all about it. Yes it works. Incredibly well. It’s some of the highest quality traffic the Morrison brothers have ever generated online. In fact, they tracked their average order value and found that people who had found their videos organically (for free) spent more than those who clicked on one of their YouTube ads.

Anthony and Adrian have also found it to be surprisingly consistent. And their six step process makes it doable for the everyday guy or gal. The first step is to choose your niche. Step two is to decide how many videos you want to commit to uploading each week. Step three is to use their video framework to film your videos. Step four is to implement their conversion formula to get clicks and traffic. Step five is to apply the traffic booster strategy to get even more eyeballs on your content. Last but not least, step six, is to introduce the “profit generator.”
No, you won’t be monetizing your videos with Google ads. Unless you become one of the top YouTubers, it won’t add up to much. What Anthony suggests you do, instead, is sell your own product or service; or, more likely, because you probably don’t want to do that, promote one of their programs as an affiliate. Such as Partner With Anthony. Or Adrian’s Shopify automation offer. Or one of their many other courses, right? A little self-serving, sure, but at least you know their stuff converts.
If you’d like the Morrison bros to do most of the heavy lifting for you, they’d be more than happy to. “If you want your own YouTube automated channel, basically an automated business on YouTube,” Anthony says, “we’ll build it all out for you. We’ll post your videos, putting your profit generator in place, creating your email list, the whole thing. Done completely for you, one hundred percent. And you’ll have a channel that turns views into clicks and clicks into cash.” Spots are limited. No mention of what it costs but my guess is it’s not cheap.