Rebecca Matter is the President of American Writers & Artists Institute (AWAI) and the publisher of Barefoot Writer Magazine. Millions of companies need copy and content from writers just like you, she claims. You can make great money, work from anywhere in the world you choose to be, pick your own hours, and feel good about what you’re doing. Rebecca turns it over to Mindy McHorse, now the Executive Editor of Barefoot Writer, to share her story.
Mindy was just an ordinary mom, living in New Mexico, buried in bills, when she stumbled upon the secret to making six figures from home. These days, Mindy’s bare feet are her work boots. She can stay in her jammies and make money from her laptop. She’s a writer. She loves her life. If you were living it, she’s pretty sure you would love it, too. But it wasn’t always this way. Mindy used to have to drag herself out of bed, report to a job she hated, all so she could pay off her student loans and credit cards.
“I felt so trapped,” Mindy remembers. “Like I was in a prison. But what else could I do? When I was a teenager, I always wanted to be a writer. But the closest I ever got to that dream was selling one article to a magazine for $100. Who can live on that? Much less pay down debt and put some money away for retirement. Retirement? Pfft. I thought I was destined to work 10 hours a day till I was 95 just to keep a roof over my head and food in my belly. But boy was I wrong. Now I work four hours a day.”
Not only that, but Mindy and her husband decimated their debt. They’ve got two new cars in the driveway. And they just got back from a fabulous vacation in Costa Rica. Best of all, they’ve got two young kids Mindy gets to spend each day with. She’s winning, leaving a trail of glitter and rainbows in her wake. The turning point was when Mindy got something in the mail from AWAI, asking her to join The Barefoot Writer’s Club. Wait, I can make money writing online? From the pool, from the beach, or even propped up in bed? I’m in, Mindy decided.

Honestly? I don’t believe a word Mindy’s saying. I think her story, much like her name, is entirely made up. Perfectly concocted to address your skepticism, answer your questions, and overcome your objections. Brilliant copywriting but crooked as a corkscrew, assuming I’m right. Mindy says she makes $114k a year. Again, working four hours a day, tops. And it’s “so easy.” So what’s she writing? Sales letters. Like the one she’s taking me through right now. Okay, so, this part? I believe. But still, can the average person do this?
Mindy sure thinks so. Because you can find a niche you’re passionate, and know a lot about, and start there. For example, her friend Richard loves wine. So he got a gig writing a sales letter for this wine club, right? Well, his letter did so well, he got a $40,000 bonus on top of the $15,000 he charged the winery up front to write it. That’s $55,000 for one letter—about one of his favorite things. Imagine if you just wrote a few of ’em like that a year. You could take months off at a time and still earn like a doctor.
So whether you like golf or gardening or aviation or sports or watching Netflix, there’s high paid writing gigs out there, just waiting for you, Mindy promises. Formal education doesn’t matter. Neither does your age, your location, or your work history. All you need is an hour here or there, a computer, an internet connection, and some subject you’re willing to write about. And you, too, can become a Barefoot Writer. Wanna learn how? Join their Club for just $49 a year. Just promise me you won’t stretch the truth like Mindy here.