D avid Church is the creator of Surplus Warriors. They return unclaimed funds to the rightful owners and get paid a handsome commission for doing so. 

There’s about $50 billion in unclaimed state funds, he claims.

And another $15 billion in unclaimed mortgage overages.

And another $15 billion in unclaimed tax overages.

Surplus Warriors

Source: trust me, bro. 

David wants to show you how to capitalize on this. Turn it into a business. So you can turn in your ID badge, say sayonara to your swivel chair, endless email chains, ringing phones, florescent lights, and awkward small talk in the break room.

Step 1 is to locate a list of unclaimed funds. You can do this through the county, the government, at the court, many different places.

Step 2 is you hit up the people on this list and see if they’re cool paying you a finder’s fee if you can recoup this money for ’em. If so, obviously, you move forward, do your thing, get ’em their check.

Step 3, once all that’s done, you collect anywhere from 10- to 50%, depending on the size of the deal and where you’re located and how well you negotiated.

David has personally recovered $13 million in unclaimed surplus funds for his clients over the years.

It’s how he retired from being a math teacher which he had been doing for 18 years.

But he’s not the only one winning with this.

His students have collectively returned $33 million to folks in just the last few years.

Surplus Fund Mastery is a six-month program where they teach you the three steps above in much more detail via easy-to-follow video modules. There’s recorded calls you can study, scripts, templates, contracts, ongoing support and coaching.

“With our system and Warrior community,” David says, “you get to pay people money that they did not know existed.”

“For me, I love handing people checks that they didn’t know they had,” he adds.

Inside, you’ll learn:

Sounds divine, David, what else ya got for us?

“State unclaimed funds,” he explains, “are the easiest to work. Some states will pay you directly. Other states you will have to collect your fee from the client. We have contracts in the course; and we have a very high success rate of collecting from our clients.”

“Mortgage funds are located anywhere from the trustee (bank), could be at the court, could be at a couple different places. We’ll show you how to find them, supply you with the contracts, and get the funds assigned to you directly, or your corporation. Then you pay the client,” David continues.

“Tax overages are usually at the county or the local courts. Again, we’ll show you where to get the list for these, recoup the funds, pay your clients and yourself,” he says.

Rose joined the program two years back. She was all turbo, no breaks. Try 70 deals in six months. Now she goes on vacation and returns home to find a handful of checks in the mail ranging from a few grand to tens of thousands of dollars.

Then there’s Alan. He started small. A few hundred bucks here, a few hundred there. But now he’s posting checks in the group for $7,000.

There’s plenty more success stories where that came from, David promises.

The price of Surplus Fund Mastery is $3,750.

That includes 30 days of their skip tracing software for free.

Cold calling skeptical folks and waiting months for checks isn’t my jam, but kudos to David for not overselling this and for being transparent about the program cost.


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