K arwanna D strolling these streets like a bona fide femme fatale. I see you, girl, rocking that cotton candy dress and those pink stunna shades to match.

The founder of She’s Got Goals says you’re only one client away from an extra six, seven or even eight figures.

What kinda client pays like that? Pablo Escobar? 

No, silly: The United States Government, Karwanna clarifies.

Dr Karwanna Irving

Read on for my review.

Karwanna D calls herself Doctor but never says of what. She smartly screens for people who’ve got money, suggesting you should be making at least six figures already if you’re watching this.

Now get ready to add an extra comma to that without working any harder or begging for sales, she promises.

Something to do with climbing the Premium Value Ladder.

The lowest rung being B2C, where you’e selling to consumers. T-shirts to teenagers, for example. Most B2C biz owners struggle to get past six figures, experience burnout, and suffer during economic downturns.

A rung above that is selling to businesses. B2B. Lead gen to contractors, for example. Better earning potential (mid six figures), leverage (each sale is worth significantly more), and stability (contractors still need leads during a recession).

But the top rung is where Karwanna wants you. B2P, as she calls it. Business-to-premium. And it doesn’t get more premium than selling to the U.S. government, right? They literally buy more crap than anyone in the world. And they’ve got unlimited money and they never stop buying. One contract with them could turn blocks to beaches; Cuban chain, got the largest pieces.

“You have unlimited earning potential at this highest level of value,” Karwanna highlights.

“And the great thing about the government is they actually have multiple trillions of dollars that they spend, and they’re obligated to spend a certain percentage of that with small businesses that are just like you,” she adds.

Okay, but what are you supposed to sell them?

It could be almost anything:

And so on and so forth. But now you’ve really got questions, don’t you?

You’re wondering:

And a million other things, right? Well, you’re in luck.

Karwanna’s Trillion Dollar Government Contracts Accelerator program will answer all that and more.

Cost to join? She doesn’t say, but the chick who went scorched earth on her over on the Better Business Bureau said she has two packages: one for $24,000 and one for $36,000.

Karwanna’s team didn’t dispute the price when they responded, so those numbers may be accurate. In which case, yikes.

By the way, She’s Got Goals, LLC maintains an A+ with the BBB and that was their one and only complaint in the last three years. Also, they refunded that gal’s entire deposit she had put down, so I’m not sure what bumped her off her unicorn.

I don’t see any reason to question Karwanna’s legitimacy.

And I don’t doubt the right government contract could be life-changing.

But when I Google “are government contracts worth it,” I’m tempted to run the other way.

It’s rules and regulations and paperwork galore. The competition is steep and you’re up against large corporations. They don’t offer benefits, such as health insurance, which surprises me. The government employees you report to will treat you like a soggy sandwich at a picnic. Intrusive oversight and nonstop questions and redo this and fill out that and hop on one leg and bark like a dog and maybe in six months we’ll finally pay you.

So yeah, a nightmare, basically.


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