S hane and Jocelyn Sams are the couplepreneur behind Flipped Lifestyle. They have two kids and they’re a real family making real money online. 

All you need is 100 people paying you $50 per month and you’re at $5k a month, Shane says. That’s $60k a year. Double it and you’re doing $120k a year. It’s not as hard as you’d think.

Shane and Jocelyn have built several million dollar membership sites over the years. 

Read on for my Flipped Lifestyle review.


Shane’s Southern drawl tells me Saturdays are for football, Sundays are for church, and a glass of bourbon is mandatory when manning the barbecue. I doubt he’s ever sent a Venmo request.

Shane used to teach social studies. Jocelyn was a librarian. They got paid every Friday but it was spent by Thursday. Still, food was always on the table. A roof was over their heads. And the above-ground pool made up for their tiny home which shared the same floor plan as all of their neighbors.

American dream, right? And they woulda kept living it had Shane not discovered that his son, who was three at the time, was being locked in a dark bathroom at the daycare for god knows how long, as some sorta effed up punishment, anytime he had an accident and didn’t make it to the big boy potty.

Shane had found out just before school one morning. Obviously he wasn’t gonna drop his son off at the torture chamber and go teach, so he told his principal, expecting some sorta leniency, right? But nope. If the boy wasn’t in any immediate danger she expected Shane to be there when that bell rang.

Jesus. Who was the principal: Meryl Streep?

“Welp, write me up then, ’cause I ain’t comin’ in,” Shane told her. His heart felt like a speed bag – pap pap pap pap pap – shuttling all of his blood straight to his face. Sweat bubbled on his forehead.

He took some deep breaths, exhaling the rage.

All that was left was personal responsibility. This wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t sell my freedom for a paycheck, he decided.

He had no idea how but he knew right then and there he was gonna be self-employed from here on out.

He looked at MLMs and realized they were a scam. He looked at brick and mortars and realized, oh crap, that’s a lotta overhead. Then as they’re driving in the car one day Shane goes to Jocelyn, “You know what would be cool? If we could just get 100 people to send us $50 a month. That would basically be more than we make now.”

Of course, Jocelyn thought he was trippin’, but Shane made his case. There’s like 8 billion people on the planet. Surely we could get 100 of ’em to send us $50 a month. Surely there’s something we know that they would be willing to pay for.

ElementaryLibrarian.com was born. They sold resources and monthly lesson plans to – yep, you guessed it – elementary librarians. Built up the recurring income year over year before selling it in 2017 for like $1.1 million dollars.

They would never not be there for their kids again.

Now it’s your turn to take your God-given skills and abilities and launch a membership website. The Flipped Lifestyle Experience Membership will provide the courses, community, and collaboration you need to make this a reality.

Cost is $48.50 a month. Cancel anytime.

There’s an optional Flip Your Mindset course for $29 when you check out. Live event tickets are sold on the back-end as well.

I wanna go to Disneyland with the Sams and get the FastPass and ride the rides and sink my teeth into one of those giant turkey legs just to show Shane this little thing can hang.

But it is tough to get people to pay for something month after month and not cancel. Unless that something involves internet or cell phone or Netflix.


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