Craig, one of the cofounders of Click Profit, would like to know if you’d be interested in a risk-free investment that produces greater returns than you’d see with real estate or stocks. Specifically, he’s talking about a done-for-you ecommerce store that you could one day sell to a venture capital firm for a hefty seven or even eight figure price tag. Are you thinking what I’m thinking: that this sounds a little too good to be true? Then scroll down for my review.
“Our company Click Profit will build, manage, scale, and even prep your store to be acquired by a VC firm,” Craig explains, “all without you doing any of the work. We’ll find you one profitable product, deal with the distributors, get proper licensing, deal with customer service, handle the warehouse, manage the team, prepare the products through a third party, and we’ll even show you how to leverage other people’s money to mitigate risk and increase profit margins.”
Click Profit has perfected their wholesale automation process. But it wasn’t easy. It took them more than a decade of trial and error. They tested more than twenty-five different ecom strategies, from arbitrage all the way down to super niche private label stuff. They’ve dealt with Chinese and U.S. suppliers. They’ve experienced over seven different marketplace facilitators. They even built an AI robot to help guide them. Needless to say, they know a lot about what does and doesn’t work in this exploding ecommerce space.
The result? Every product Click Profit lists is pretty much a guaranteed home run. Assuming you’re a client, this ends with you making money three ways: when customers pay down inventory (thus increasing your equity), the positive cash flow you get paid biweekly, and the massive exit you’ll enjoy somewhere down the line. Which is why so many people, people who are really no different than you, are hiring the Click Profit team to make them a fully automated ecom store.

Sure, you could go it alone. You could try to master each component of a successful ecom business yourself: from product selection to logistics, optimizing the listing, implementing an organic traffic strategy, fueling the fire with paid ads, managing inventory, supporting customers, and so many small steps in between, but do you even have the bandwidth for all that? And even if you did, will you be good enough, at each of those tasks, to beat out the competition and get the results you desire? Chances are, no, you won’t be.
Don’t listen to the gurus on social media who flaunt their trophy lifestyle and imply you, too, can have it all if only you buy their course for two grand, warn the guys at Click Profit. Else you’ll end up in a vicious cycle of see shiny new thing, buy it, realize it’s much harder than advertised, sink deeper into debt and despair, and repeat, right? Whereas, when you invest with Click Profit, they’ve already got the systems, the expertise, the team, and the software in place, to effortlessly build you a thriving store from the ground up.
Overall, I agree with their argument in favor of outsourcing the entire process to experts. And I think it would be amazing to have an ecom store making me passive income each month. However, I wish, in their presentation, they would reveal how much it costs to partner with them, what percentage of the profit they take each month, how much open credit I’d need to get things off the ground, and what their refund policy is if things don’t go according to plan. All questions you can bring up if you book a Wholesale Automation discovery call with them.