Roland Frasier, in his YouTube ad, says: “Don’t start a business. Buy an existing business. You don’t have to be a rich investor with bags full of cash to buy an existing business. As a matter of fact, you can buy businesses with zero dollars out of pocket. And you won’t have to find customers; you won’t have to find profits; you won’t have to do all the millions of things that people who are starting a business from scratch have to do.”
The ad continues. Roland explains how, when you buy a business, you get to skip all the bad stuff and get right to the good stuff. And don’t worry about competition, he says. There are millions of profitable businesses just waiting for someone like you to come along and buy them out. And if you don’t have the money to do so (or you can’t get a loan or simply don’t want to mess with one), you can structure the deal so that the future profits of the business actually pay for it.
Roland has used this strategy to acquire businesses that were doing anywhere from a few million dollars in sales, all the way up to four billion. The key is to find motivated sellers who are open to creative structuring. “In my EPIC Challenge [which stands for Ethical Profits In Crisis], I’m gonna show you exactly how to position yourself to be what business owners want. I’m gonna show you how to find the right businesses to buy. And then what to say and when to say it. And how to structure the deal. And I’m gonna give you eight different ways to purchase businesses without having to use any of your own money.”
Still. Why would someone want to hand over their profitable business? Lots of reasons, says Roland. Maybe they’re having problems with their partners. Maybe they need the money from the sale to put towards something else. Maybe they’re just bored with the business. Death. Moving to another city. The list goes on.

So what types of businesses could you buy? Almost anything. A motorcycle store. A manufacturing business. Beauty and skincare products. Accounting firm. Digital marketing agency. You could even use Roland’s methods to buy “traffic assets.” Be it Facebook groups, high-ranking blogs, Amazon stores. Literally, anything you can think of.
Then what? Well, you either improve the business and grow it; and sell it. Or you hang onto it and enjoy your new cash-producing asset. “Either way, you’re gonna win,” Roland says. “This works for every industry, every type of business, in every country. Because we’re not using some gimmick or trick. We’re using established business practices and principles that I’ve learned and developed over about 30 years.”
As the YouTube ad wraps up, Roland asks you to join his next EPIC Challenge. Where, for a small one-time fee of $55, Roland will help you laser target five “zero cash down” acquisitions in just five days. My take? Roland Frasier seems like a credible guy. The model obviously makes sense. And he’s made it super affordable. Assuming there’s not some $5,000 upsell as soon as you buy. Overall, I like the offer. I just wonder how many of these business owners are really going to be okay with you buying them out with future profits. That, and the stress of taking over a business you know little-to-nothing about are my only two objections.