Jon Mac says there’s never been a more perfect time than right now to build a simple, dependable business. One that excels in a recession and can be run from the comfort of your own home, or wherever you like, really. Today we’re in the middle of a massive wealth transfer. There’s hundreds of billions of dollars of new money flowing into the ecom space. Lucky for you, Jon’s got a simple yet unconventional shortcut to cash-in on this trend. Scroll down for my review.
“Others are using this same shortcut and building six or even seven figure officeless businesses with just their laptop and their phone,” Jon explains. “Even though the world may seem scarier than ever, it’s not a time to press that panic button yet. Because when one door shuts, another one opens. And while it’s true that society is facing a serious challenge right now, that challenge is leading to some incredible life-changing opportunities, and I can promise you that we’re gonna get through this together.”
“And what you do right now determines whether you thrive in this evolving economy or you get left behind,” he continues. “What you do today will determine what your life will look like in the months and years to come. Right now there’s a limited window to give yourself a massive edge and put yourself on the accelerated, true financial path towards freedom, independence, and the lifestyle you deserve. It’s time to hunker down, learn real skills, and make serious money online.”
“So while your friends are sitting in front of the TV, watching The Office for the forty-seventh time, you can leave the office behind forever by building an officeless business and partnering with a leader who would love to send you hot-selling products each and every week. It’s simple to set up, carries very little overhead cost, and it’s built to thrive in any market condition. But it’s got nothing to do with selling things on Amazon, building a Shopify store, putting together a complicated course, or anything like that.”

According to Jon, all you’re doing is grabbing trending products and listing them on your online store. That’s it. It all comes down to one simple task: offering in-demand products. Not shady stuff from China, either. Jon’s talking about quality, respectable products you can feel good about promoting. You’ll then use social media and so-called online billboard ads to drive people to your store to purchase these products. Wait, is it just me or is Jon Mac basically copying Abdul and Chance from Modern Millionaires here? He definitely “borrowed” all their buzzwords, that’s for sure.
Anyways, on to the offer: “Ever since launching my Ecom Startup coaching program, we’ve had the pleasure of teaching this officeless business system to men and women from all walks of life. And honestly, this program has produced some pretty incredible results. There’s people like Adeline, who pulled in over six hundred and nineteen thousand dollars in one month with her officeless business. Or Jasmine, who pulled in thirty thousand dollars in her first month of doing this. Or Jeremey, who pulled in almost fifty grand his first month of doing this business.”
Ecom Startup includes video tutorials; proven, copy-and-paste traffic sources; the Exploding Niches research report; an Instant High-Paying Products training; a 7-Day Launch Checklist; and more. Cost is “normally” four hundred and ninety-seven dollars, but you can get it today for just nine dollars and ninety-nine cents. Comes with a three month money-back guarantee. I’d expect lots of upsells after you buy. Now, do I think you could learn something from Jon that’d make you your ten bucks back? Absolutely. But I gotta say, it irks me when gurus copy other people’s pitches.