Tom Wang wants you to notice his watch. I’m not a watch person, but I’m guessing it’s expensive. He’s running this YouTube ad hard. It must be working. Let’s go through it, together, and see how honest and ethical he is (or is not) in his marketing. After that, I will give you my opinion on his Master FBA course, reveal how much it costs, and you can decide whether or not you want to book your breakthrough call with his team. Sound like a plan?
As the video ad gets underway, Tom claims it’s Wednesday, mid-morning, and he’s already done three grand in Amazon sales. He does bring the cameraperson around to show his computer screen; he’s logged in to his Amazon back office and he has, in fact, done twenty-eight hundred and some change. It’s a bit out of date though, from back in November of 2020. The previous month, in October, he did just shy of three hundred grand.
I’ll give him credit. He admits it’s not all take home. On average, he says, he keeps about thirty-five percent of that as profit. Nice. So a little over a million, net, if he kept that up for an entire year. “Pretty amazing, right?” he says. “This is the everyday life for me, as well as a lot of Amazon FBA sellers. By the time I roll out of bed, a few hundred dollars has been deposited into my bank account.”
“I get up, I go to kickboxing class, I walk my dog, and by dinner time, another few hundred dollars has been added to my bank account,” he continues. “Even though the money is good, the best part of this is that you get your time back. Just imagine what life would be like if you got paid every morning while you’re still in bed. And throughout the entire day, no matter what you’re doing, you could be eating, watching a movie, or even fighting with your spouse (odd thing to say), and you will still get paid.”

“No clocking in, no manager telling you what to do, nobody to get back to, no meetings to join either. To make a living, it’s just you, the computer, and your Amazon business.” But how is it so hands-off? Tom explains that with Amazon FBA, most of the work is front-loaded. He estimates that ninety percent of everything you will need to do is done by the time you launch your product. Yet, if successful, this product can pay you, passively, for years to come.
And the front-end work he’s referring to isn’t even all that hard. Compared to a traditional career like, say, accounting? Amazon FBA is much easier. But he’s not here to twist your arm. It should be obvious that Amazon will continue their retail dominance. Everyone shops on Amazon. They’ll only do it more and more going forward. Tom’s training can help you get your slice of that pie. He’s already helped all sorts of folks, from all different walks of life.
With that, the ad winds down. Tom tells you to click the link, register for the one hundred percent free training. He doesn’t mention that, at the end of that training, he’ll pitch you his Master FBA program. The cost? Are you sitting down? It’s nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-five big ones. In addition, you’ll need thousands more for your first batch of product, labeling, advertising, software, tools, and more. My two cents? I don’t mind Tom. I thought his ad was pretty fair. He could have pointed out that his results weren’t typical, that he had something really pricey to sell you, but other than that, far from the worst I’ve seen. I just don’t love the business model.