James Neville-Taylor went from suicidal to success. Today he’s a top one percent earner online. More important, he’s helped hundreds of others earn their first sale on the internet. His free system, emails, and training could help you do the same. Without recruiting, inventory, support, or even having to sell. It’s the most freeing business model in the world. Affiliate marketing. James could close his laptop today, do nothing, and still enjoy fifty K months on complete autopilot. Skeptical? Me too. Read on for my James Neville-Taylor review.
Using a new technology, James has created what he likes to call the Rapid Profit Machine. It’s not just a clever name. Once it’s set up it produces profits over and over again. And the best part? It’s completely free. But why would he do that? Why hand people this incredible opportunity and not charge them? It’s because he was once where you were. Struggling. Broke. Running up credit cards to buy scammy courses that didn’t work.
It’s easy too. One click is all it takes to build your Rapid Profit Machine. And you won’t have to spend hours and hours editing and customizing it. It’s ready to go right out of the box. You can make your first commission within hours. It works like magic. James spent over a year making it push-button so that anyone could get results with it. Yes, even you.
What affiliate products will your Rapid Profit Machine promote? James has identified proven offers that convert, that pay well, that pay on time, every time. Some of them are recurring. Like the one he’s the top affiliate for out of more than ten thousand others. He’s earned north of two hundred thousand dollars promoting it. It’s one you’ll want to plug into as well after your Rapid Profit Machine is live.

“If you follow the steps in the Rapid Profit Machine and don’t give up, you will earn money,” James promises. It’s perfect for beginners and advanced marketers alike. Included with your own personal RPM is some of James’ best training on free and paid traffic strategies. Plus some of the ninja tricks he uses to make as much as a hundred thousand dollars or more in a month.
The steps are short, simple, to the point. By the end, you’ll have a machine set up that will pump out commissions from half a dozen different affiliate programs. Totally automated. You won’t have to write one word of copy, film any videos, or stumble over complicated software. It’s all done-for-you. Like owning your own fully-stocked store, shelves full of products. Your only job is to send people who will buy them. The only question is, do you believe in yourself? Are you an action-taker or an excuse-maker?
Eventually James makes his way to the catch. It’s not free. You’ll be billed sixty-nine-ninety per month, after a free fourteen day trial to Builderall. That’s the all-in-one software James is referring to when he says Rapid Profit Machine. There will be nonstop upsells after that, you can bet. I don’t really have a problem with what James is promoting here. I do think he could be more transparent about pricing. Maybe cut back on the sob story, cliches, and stock video footage and soft music designed to tug at your heart strings and instead just shoot straight. I don’t know. What do you think?