Patricia Carlin and her husband David are the power couple behind Residual Payments. If you’re here, you’re probably wondering if they have really been featured on Forbes. The short answer? Basically, yes, Patricia has. The long answer? Patricia Carlin is a member of what’s called Forbes Councils. She has been an active member since 2016. How do you become a member? You submit an application, prove you do at least a million a year in revenue, and pay their annual fee of two grand a year. Read on for more details.
Her Forbes Council profile lists her business as Patricia Weber Consulting Inc. and her website as Payarc dot com, based out of Provo, Utah. Her bio reads as follows: “In the infancy of online payment processing (the time when only adult websites, cams, and chat lines were transacting online), I played a significant role in helping the key players in some of the most recognized brands launch their online payments and merchant service platforms.”
It continues: “The high risk arena may have started with adult websites, but it has since branched out to cover extensive products, services, and offerings. Merchants in these industries [such as] trial, dating, direct selling, memberships, seminars, counter culture, and other mid-to-high-risk businesses, come to me to help them establish stable payment processing and implement the right combination of tools and solutions to ensure their bottom line (and merchant account) is protected and can grow properly.”
“Unlike the very mechanical merchant account provider/merchant relationship that is now common in the industry, you are not purchasing a ‘machine’ to handle your payments. With a direct plug into the card brands and a payments consulting arm of our business, myself and my team are able to remove the additional layers of people who will work on your account,” Patricia adds.

“With nearly two decades of experience in payments and a direct sponsorship with the card associations, I am certain that I can save you a substantial amount of money in processing fees and improve your overall payment processing solution. Augment your lean team with a strategic growth-minded payments expert. You need to make payments a part of your strategic growth,” her bio concludes.
Patricia has written four articles since securing her Forbes Council spot. Topics have ranged from the role artificial intelligence will play in payment processing, to reducing chargebacks, to merchant considerations when expanding your business internationally. Even though she essentially bought her way onto Forbes, it does legitimize her somewhat. Assuming Forbes actually reviews financials and screens for quality individuals who run a clean business.
We know that’s not always the case. There have been countless gurus I’ve reviewed in the past who’ve been mentioned in a Forbes article that were super suspect. Patricia and David do not fall into this category. She made a smart business move to join this Forbes Council thingamajig back in the day and I’m sure it’s helped her to land new deals. I just wish it weren’t so easy for charlatans to pay for a mention. In my opinion, Forbes needs to stop whoring out its brand name to anyone who has a credit card to swipe.