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Jeff Lerner recently had Essentialism author Greg McKeown on his podcast. They discussed just that. How to achieve more by doing less. One of the first gems Greg shares is to protect the asset. You are the asset. And if you don’t protect it, you won’t be able to make the higher contribution you want to make in the world. And so, if you think it’s all about hundred hour work weeks and recuperation doesn’t matter, well, that’s not sustainable. You’ll burn out. Greg would argue that yes, more effort might get you ahead in the short-term, but in the…

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Ricky Gutierrez’s family moved from Mexico to the U.S. when he was a toddler. His dad started his own general contracting biz, laying tiles and doing countertops and stuff like that. When Ricky turned six, his dad would make him wake up at four o’clock on the weekends and tag along and help out. That taught him two important lessons. One, how to work hard. And two, that he’d just as soon not have to work that hard the rest of his life. Read on for my Learn Plan Profit review.As a teenager, Ricky started a fingerboard side hustle with…

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Matt Graham wants to know if you’d like a side hustle that can bring you an additional income stream without having to build websites or funnels or create videos or even mess around with paid advertising. If so, and if you’d just as soon not have to become an expert at anything, his LPO Blueprint has your name on it. Not that there’s anything wrong with wanting to gain a skillset. After all, that’s how Matt’s made millions over the past ten years: by mastering online marketing. “Becoming an expert was challenging, but worth it,” Matt says. “But if I…

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Tai Lopez is fresh off the farm and back in his garage to pitch you another opportunity. “This bitcoin thing’s taking over the news,” he says. “I gotta tell you a crazy story. In 2010, someone offered to pay ten thousand bitcoin for two pizzas. If they had accepted the bitcoin, how much cash would that be worth today? A hundred and seventy million dollars. He lost out, he missed out. Now you might be asking if it’s too late to get into this bitcoin thing.”“It’s gone up, is it a bubble, is it gonna crash?” he continues. “What I…

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Leo Kanell asks if you’d like to hand out money to businesses and make a fortune doing it. It may sound crazy, but it’s true; he does it himself each and every day. Same goes for his hundreds of students all over the country. It’s the fastest way to build a business that can withstand these turbulent times we’re in. Should you get into this red hot trillion dollar industry? Can you make six or even seven figures as a Funding CEO? Read on for my review.The business lending space does well in good times and even better during downturns.…

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Jeff Sekinger and Tyler Bossetti created 0 Percent to help you achieve financial freedom. Specifically, they’ll show you how to get approved for more than fifty grand in business funding, at a zero percent interest rate, even if all you have right now is an idea and nothing else. Okay, how? And wouldn’t you need at least decent credit for this to work? Also, what’s the catch? Why are they telling you about it, right? I’ll answer all that and more in my 0Percent review below.“Business never worked for me,” Jeff says. “And I tried for over a decade, in…

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Laz Chavez and Richard Telfeja are the guys behind Wealthy Leads. They sell a number of different courses and biz opps. Their latest revolves around crypto: how to generate huge passive income investing in cryptocurrencies. You’ll learn their tried and true methods that yield anywhere from thirty to a hundred percent returns each and every month. And no, you don’t need any prior experience for this to work. Skeptical? Me too, but let’s hear ’em out, shall we?Laz shows how he opened his Coinbase trading account with almost nothing in it. Literally like twenty-three bucks. And yet, he managed to…

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Craig, one of the cofounders of Click Profit, would like to know if you’d be interested in a risk-free investment that produces greater returns than you’d see with real estate or stocks. Specifically, he’s talking about a done-for-you ecommerce store that you could one day sell to a venture capital firm for a hefty seven or even eight figure price tag. Are you thinking what I’m thinking: that this sounds a little too good to be true? Then scroll down for my review.“Our company Click Profit will build, manage, scale, and even prep your store to be acquired by a…

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Juan Pablo acquired dozens of rental units using creative financing, and he did so in some of the most competitive markets, some of which are out of state. He now enjoys about six figures a year in passive income. You may have seen one of his ads on social media, as Juan now helps new and struggling real estate investors do the same. But instead of fighting for the scraps with single families, wholesales, and fix and flips, Juan’s gonna steer your towards the blue ocean of multi units.“Many people are using the BRRRR strategy,” Juan says. “You know, buy,…

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Tom Wang got into short-term rentals because he needed a good way to invest the money he made selling his Amazon FBA brand, Sdara Skincare. He started out more traditionally, buying a couple properties and renting them out to a single family long-term. But the cash flow just wasn’t exciting. Maybe a hundred and fifty bucks a month, profit, when it was all said and done. Sure, if you do this hundreds of times over, it adds up, but when Tom looked into Airbnb, it was way more appealing to him.“So in July this property came up that was zoned…

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