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Joel Sangerman already knows. You’re trying to get started in real estate investing, but it’s super confusing. Information overload. But he’s got a $171,000 wire transfer (pure profit) to prove he’s the guy who can simplify it all for you. That’s right. You, too, can enjoy juicy wires and generous checks, and you can do it without risking any of your own money or credit. Which is what every real estate guru says, right, but is that actually the truth? Scroll down for my review.Your only requirement to work with Joel? Just be able to follow some simple instructions. “Let…

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There’s been times he’s felt that way, that’s for sure. For example, one time Tom was added into this WhatsApp group. He was super stoked ’cause it was full of founders he idolized. Some of the guys and gals were doing hundreds of millions a year in revenue. Running brands you’ve not only heard of but probably even bought from before. And yet, Tom didn’t say a word, didn’t introduce himself, didn’t ask them a single question. How come? Imposter syndrome. “I didn’t feel like I belonged in the group,” Tom admits. “I felt like I was a small fish…

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Lee Arnold has another passive income opportunity for you. It’s called The Capital Syndicate. Something about a closed-door group of everyday Americans siphoning profits from the $71.6 billion private lending industry. And you can join them. And you should have your first check in 45 days or less. No license, credit, or experience required. “Imagine,” Lee pitches, “no boss hanging over your head, no long days breaking your back for a paltry paycheck.” “Knowing you’ve got a reliable process,” he continues, “that’s always working in the background to make you rich. That’s the jackpot. And today, I’m gonna serve it…

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Tai Lopez wants you to partner with him in ecommerce to make $2,500 to $25,000 a month. Just use his cut and paste formula and he’ll handle the rest. See, here in 2022, Tai believes it’s all about connecting with the right people who can teach you the right things. You also need an online presence. And you should have at least one income stream tied to physical products. It’s also a good idea to be early, to not just follow the crowd. And today, everyone’s focused on digital. They wanna sell eBooks and courses and coaching, right? Quick and…

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Joel Erway has a new course model that allows course sellers to grow 10 times faster with way less effort. That’s right, you can go from charging $997 to $8,000+ and make an extra $20- to $50,000 a month selling your course. Even if you’ve never made a single sale before. And don’t worry, the process is low tech; you don’t need a long-winded webinar or an 8,000-word sales page; and you won’t need to give away free stuff or do a complicated launch, either.But first, why high ticket? It’s the quickest way to cover and then exceed your living…

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Brandon Mulrenin is a real estate coach who helps real estate agents get more listings and sell without being salesy. Interested? And would you like to make a minimum of $10k per month, without spending a penny on marketing or begging your friends and family for business? Cool, here’s the mile-high overview of what Brandon teaches. Say an average commission for you is $5k. It’s probably more than that, but let’s err on the safe side, shall we? So at $5k a pop, pretty simple, you’ll need 2 closings a month to hit the $10k mark. And since, on average,…

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Five years ago, Jake Strong (pictured above) teamed up with Jon Steltzer (pictured below) to start a real estate investment company. Back then, they were broke and the banks didn’t wanna lend ’em any money. Did they take their ball and go home? Nope. They got creative and went on to acquire 550+ rental properties that now cash flow $40,000 per month. Their portfolio’s valued at around $40 million dollars. So stick that in your trophy case and shine it.“We were able to do this using non-traditional financing methods that are not under the same regulations that are required by…

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Cheryl Hunter has a Magnify Your Message masterclass where she teaches ya how to leverage major media to skyrocket your influence, impact, and income. Interested? Wanna use press to blow up your business? Great, ’cause Cheryl’s got the formula. Imagine being on the morning chat shows, on nationwide radio, evening news, authority websites, even the pages of your favorite magazines. Think that might attract some high-paying clients? You bet it would. So scroll down, keep reading. Cheryl Hunter’s a master coach and TV host. Before that, she wrote and produced several shows for TV and Hollywood. She’s done over 100…

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Brett Kitchen and Ethan Kap are the guys behind Bot Trading Mastery. They’ve been in business together for the past 20+ years, launching a number of websites and books and programs during that time. Based out of Salt Lake City, Utah, the two serial entrepreneurs lost a fortune when the market crashed a few years back, forcing them to find a better way to do things financially. So they traveled the country, meeting with experts, trying to crack the code to building lasting wealth. That led to their book, Wealth Beyond Wall Street. “That became a bestseller,” says Brett, “and…

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Ryan Pineda’s flipped all kinds of different properties. From single family homes to condos, mobile homes, you name it. “In fact, mobile homes are funny because they’re not that much different than just normal homes if you know what you’re doing,” Ryan says. “And most people kinda ignore them, so the competition isn’t as big. Actually, let me tell you about this mobile home that we flipped in Boulder City, Nevada. It’s not too far from Vegas, where I’m from.”“We actually sold this particular mobile home for $310,000,” Ryan continues. “Now, most people would say, ‘How the heck are you…

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