Author: admin

How do you get to page one in Amazon’s search results? Especially today, when everyone and their cousin is competing for that precious first page? Amazon FBA expert Tatiana James says it all starts with understanding Amazon’s ranking algorithm. So when someone does a search, clicks on a product, and actually buys it, that tells Amazon: okay, this product is relevant for that search. Like Google, their job is to provide their users with only the most relevant results for the word or words they type in. Then, just in general, if a large number of people are buying a…

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Renae Christine of Ultimate Architect and Cupcake Trainings LLC can show you how to build an ecommerce website that’s more powerful than Shopify and costs less to run. And you don’t need to know HTML or hire a tech team or a graphic designer either. “What if I could show you how to build a beautiful and functional ecommerce website in less than an hour for just four dollars and ninety-nine cents?” Renae says. Keep reading for my Cupcake Trainings review.And this website would have more features than any do-it-yourself website builder. Plus you’d be able to run, maintain and…

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Morrison Publishing, by Morrison brothers Adrian and Anthony, have yet another business opportunity for you. This one involves YouTube. It the explainer video, Anthony says there’s a six step process he used to make three hundred and thirty three thousand dollars in the last twelve months spending about an hour a week posting free videos to YouTube. And no, you don’t need to be on camera. And you can get started today. Skeptical? So am I. Read on for my YouTube Accelerator review.You don’t need millions of subscribers or billions of views to do damage on YouTube. You can have…

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Jeff Lerner says it’s a travesty that the majority of people out there are living paycheck to paycheck. Because we all have access to information that can help us learn new skills. And the right skills can be worth a lot of money. It’s important you make that connection. “If I wanna earn more, I have to be worth more. I have to increase the value that I have to offer. Then I have to go offer that increased value through the application of these new skills.” Otherwise, you’ll self-sabotage. If, deep down, you don’t believe you deserve to make…

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Tatiana James is a successful Amazon FBA seller. There are three things she wishes she knew before starting. Number one, she wishes she knew that the ultimate goal was to start on Amazon but not settle on Amazon. The end game, turns out, is not Amazon. Yes, it’s a great opportunity. A great way to build momentum because of all that built in, ready-to-buy traffic. In a sense, you get to participate in their success. And you can start with nothing.Meaning, no following, no email list, no brand, no infrastructure, no team, literally nothing. And yet, you can source a…

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Tai Lopez is back. He’s got the hottest online business model for today. No, it’s not starting your own social media marketing agency, but it’s close to that. It’s charging business owners twenty-five hundred to twenty-five thousand dollars for one simple service: helping them create viral videos. But how? Especially if you’ve never done anything video related before? Where would you even start? How would you get paying clients? Why would they trust you? Read on for my Viral Video Influencer Agency review.Ya gotta give Tai credit. He does have a history of spotting trends right before they take off,…

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Amazon FBA expert Tom Wang has sold millions of dollars worth of products on Amazon. The thousands of students who’ve taken his Master FBA course have combined to do many times that. Point being, the guy has a ton of insider knowledge when it comes to Amazon FBA. From his unique vantage point, what are the positives of partnering with Amazon? How ’bout the negatives? Is it the right business model for you? Keep reading to find out. Let’s start with pros. By far the biggest, Tom says, is that you don’t have to worry about finding buyers. There’s already…

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David Zaleski is the founder of EcomHub, an Amazon startup studio that sells a 5 Day Amazon FBA Challenge, an FBA Academy course, as well as done-for-you services. David claims his own ecom brands gross more than a million dollars a month. About eighty-five percent of that comes from their Shopify store, and the remaining fifteen percent comes from Amazon. Two things helped them hit that massive number: Covid and cutting back on creating content like YouTube videos. My Ecom Hub review is below. David’s wild Shopify success was no accident. He decided, with this latest venture, to take a…

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Sebastian Ghiorghiu turned one hundred K into about six-point-five million dollars over the course of three years. No, that’s not just sitting in his bank account. That’s the total value of all the assets he owns. His approximate net worth, if you will. A while back he had built up his final dropshipping store to where it was doing about ten K a day. That was around the time he took a hiatus from YouTube. He got sick of the pressure, the invasion of privacy. Wanted to chill for a bit. “I wanted to be by myself and work on…

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Thinking of publishing audiobooks for passive income? Perhaps you’ve seen some of these YouTube ads talking about how it’s the new and improved way to make money on Amazon. That you can just outsource the whole thing, throw it up on Audible, and go explore Thailand while royalties trickle in, right? And maybe you’ve got some money set aside and you’re considering buying a course, going through it, and launching your own audiobook business. But before you do, you thought you’d do one last search. And here you are.So let’s cruise through the pros and cons real quick, shall we?…

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