Author: admin

Remote Integrator founder Ravi Abuvala dropped outta law school a few years back, when his dad was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. Ends up seeing a Tai Lopez ad, buys his SMMA course, wasn’t that great, but it didn’t need to be. It introduced Ravi to a whole new world of online marketing, and the explosive income potential and freedom that came with it. Boom, he was hooked. He kept buying courses, hiring mentors, trying to shorten his learning curve.Fast forward to today: Ravi’s making multiple seven figures a year, living the exact life Tai showed off in his…

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Dave Menz is the Laundromat Millionaire. He believes the laundromat business is the best small biz in America. So should you get into it? Not necessarily. Because maybe it’s not the best for you, specifically. “Let me explain,” Dave says. “I’ve seen a lot of people get into the laundromat business for the wrong reasons, which doesn’t just hurt them but also their community and the industry as a whole.” Read on for my Laundromat Millionaire review.“And that’s because they’ve been sold this dream,” Dave continues, “that a laundromat is this incredibly passive income powerhouse that’ll immediately make money with…

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Ethan Duran says, “I’m best known for being broke and in debt at the age of nineteen, to then making two-point-seven million dollars by the age of twenty, by renting out super cars such as Lamborghinis and Ferraris. I used to stress trying to figure out wealth and success. I wanted it so bad but just couldn’t figure it out. While I was broke and jobless I couldn’t let go of my dream of one day owning a Lambo and living like the one percent.” “The answer was right in front of me all along,” he continues. “I was chasing…

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Chris Evans is the face of Partner With Entrepreneurs, which says you can forget about ecom, affiliate marketing, MLM, day trading, and everything else because there’s a “new economy” skill set that’ll make ya ten K per month in no time. “Do not start a business,” Chris warns. “If you’ve heard the best way to make the money you want and live the life that you want is to start a business? It’s not.” Okay Chris, go on, I’m listening. “Whether it’s an ecom biz, dropshipping, affiliate marketing, wholesaling, the list goes on and on,” Chris continues. “It’s not a…

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Maurice Kenny says just two years ago his family was living check to check. This, despite going to college, getting a degree, then landing a decent job working in IT. After getting laid off a couple times, he had had enough. He couldn’t continue putting his family’s future in another man’s hands. He started day trading and never looked back. Now he wants to send the elevator back down to help other aspiring day traders. “A lot of day traders think that in order to make a lot of money day trading, you need to have this magical technical indicator…

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Sick and tired of long shipping times, refunds, chargebacks, poor quality products, and one-star reviews? Then maybe it’s time to stop using AliExpress, huh? Here are some alternative dropshipping companies that offer faster shipping, premium products, better communication, and potentially even lower costs. All of which could give you a serious competitive advantage. Or maybe by the end of this page you decide drop shipping isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. That’s okay too. I gotcha. First, something a lot of beginner drop shippers don’t realize, is with AliExpress? Every time your store gets a sale, you have to…

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At KeyGlee, buying investment properties is as easy as waking up. KeyGlee is a real estate investment and wholesale company. They do all the legwork to acquire deeply discounted properties and then pass those deals onto investors. KeyGlee franchisees simply have to connect the two. Which sure beats cold calling; driving for dollars; posting bandit signs all over town; paying for TV ads, radio ads, direct mail pieces, and PPC campaigns; then networking like crazy to find buyers, right?So yeah, KeyGlee provides the suppliers that bring you solid wholesale deals. They also provide the real estate investors who’re willing to…

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Abdul Samad and Chance Welton, aka The Modern Millionaires, have this new software app, Leadific, that can supposedly make you a lot of money without a lot of effort. What I’m wondering is, is it just a clever way to keep selling you the dream now that their $5,000 course and $30,000 mastermind have so much negativity about them online? The Leadific app itself costs $299 per month. Assuming you don’t take any of their upsells, is there any real value here? Leadific is marketed as an all-in-one CRM (which stands for customer relationship management) for growing your digital agency.…

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Ernest Curry and Latoya “Chart Queen” Smith are the creators of The Profit Room, an e-learning company that teaches stocks, options, forex, and futures. Their goal is to help you build generational wealth and live a life of financial independence. But first, you gotta distinguish between investing and trading. With investing, you’re holding a stock or a mutual fund or index fund or ETF for the long-term. Five plus years. You need to research, plan, and have lots of patience. The goals of investing are growth, diversification, compounding, and dividend reinvestment. Then, on the other side of the coin, you…

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Roland Frasier is the cofounder of, Traffic & Conversions, DigitalMarketer, and War Room. He believes you can get paid to vet deals that lead to cash and equity (meaning ownership). How it came about is, he got sick of everyone asking him for advice, so he was like, “Okay, sure, I’ll meet with ya. It’s eighteen grand for half a day.” It was more to protect his time than anything; he didn’t think anybody’d take him up on it. Until they did. So then he raised his price to twenty-five K, and whaddya know, people paid it. “But my…

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