Author: admin

Alex Martinez is the founder and CEO of He and his team have been wholesaling, wholetailing, fix and flipping, buying and holding—you name it, they’ve been doing it for 10 years strong. And, believe it or not, their main lead source is the MLS. Each and every day, new properties get added to it, right, so if you’re not acquiring ’em, someone else is. Combine that with a few simple shifts and Alex believes you can go from zero to $100k per month as a real estate investor. You can succeed with wholesaling and flipping. And you don’t need…

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Commercial Dream Partner founder Peter Conti says there are 7 steps to success when it comes to investing in commercial real estate. Step 1: find deals. Pretty self-explanatory. Step 2: quickly review potential deals. “One of the things you’ll see, especially with commercial real estate,” Peter says, “is people will spend way too much time analyzing these deals. They don’t realize that any given property is just one of thousands out there to invest in.” “If you don’t have the ability to do a quick review and see where you’re at,” Peter continues, “you could end up spending way too…

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The Science Of Flipping founder Justin Colby believes the secret to succeed in business is simply paying yourself first. “There’s a difference between being an operator and and owner,” says Captain Obvious. “The operator’s negotiating deals with the sellers, selling deals to your buyers if you’re wholesaling, meeting with contractors, accepting rehab bids—that is an operator. You’re doing the functions of a business. An operator doesn’t think or act as an owner.” “An owner, on the other hand,” Justin continues, “is thinking and acting to figure out numbers, profitability, et cetera. Most of you are operators, but I want you…

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Dylan Alarie, cofounder of Affiliate Nation, asks: “What is a ready-to-use business and how can you earn thousands of dollars every single month? Without picking up the phone, without talking face to face, without building out marketing systems and sales funnels, without running ads, without finding and creating different products and offers, without doing videos, email sequences, connecting software? Well, it’s called our Partnership Program.” “What we’ve done here at Affiliate Nation is very unique,” Dylan continues. “We wanted to build a ready-to-go business for everyday entrepreneurs who’re looking to get started online but don’t know how to do all…

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Billy Gene’s back with another ad, another offer. He stuffs some hundreds into a money counter and says, “Thirty-two. Thirty-two hundred bucks is how much the average American takes home. And watch how fast we spend it. You take your rent or mortgage, that’s $1,100. You take your car payment: another $400. Our health insurance: another $400. And that’s not including the $200 for the student loans, the $200 for the gas, the $200 for the electric, $100 for your phone.” “What else?” Billy continues, throwing down hundreds for each of the bills, dramatizing how quickly that $3,200 gets eaten…

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Corey Geary’s pretty proud of his new burnt orange C8 Corvette. His Instagram’s full of video clips where he’s just awkwardly shouting success platitudes while standing in front of it in random parking lots. My favorite is the one where he goes, “Do you guys watch TV? I don’t watch TV. TV is for losers. That means you’re sitting on your butt at home watching some soap opera and you’re not doing anything with your life. I’m going out there busting my butt to create generational wealth.” Anyways, Corey’s specialty is novations, a strategy that takes your dead wholesale leads…

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SamCart was created by these two brothers: Scott and Brian Moran. They believe the best business model on the planet is selling courses. “Our goal is to help you identify, outline and launch your own online course,” Scott says. “Plus, we are gonna show you the simple new way to deliver your course, that is also built to multiply your revenue along the way. By the end of these 14 days, you will have a digital course that is ready to sell.” “And you may even already have your first sale of it,” Scott continues. “Take Tammy, for instance. She…

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Josue Pena is the creator of Online CEOs, where he teaches people how to use Instagram to unlock massive scale and generate high ticket clients. Instagram’s the number one social media platform in the world, according to Josue. Even though I’m pretty sure Facebook and YouTube are substantially bigger and TikTok’s probably gonna overtake it any day. But I’ll stop nitpicking now and hear the man out. Read on for my Online CEO Accelerator review. One of Josue’s clients, John, used IG to launch his ecommerce consulting agency. Despite having less than 400 followers, he was able to collect $21,000…

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John Assaraf is founder, CEO and chairman of NeuroGym, a company that applies scientifically-proven methods and technologies to help people expand their mental and emotional power to reach their fullest potential. Exercises to rewire your brain for success, basically. Hence the name NeuroGym, right? “In the neuroscience field,” John says, “you have two types of beliefs: explicit and implicit. Explicit beliefs are conscious, simple beliefs. Like I’m able to make more money.” “Or I’m able to lose weight or I am able to have a great relationship,” John continues. “And I deserve to earn more and be happy. That’s an…

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Mike Brusca and his partner Joe are the guys behind Build Assets Online. The longer you try to drop ship cheap products from China, they say, the more money you’re gonna waste. There are thousands of U.S. suppliers with high quality items you could be promoting instead—and making a lot more per sale. For example, they’ve sold clawfoot tubs (bath tubs that stand on four little legs) successfully in the past, earning up to $600 per sale. Crazy, right? After getting some steady sales, they then flipped that site (which sold a few other things as well) for $133,000. Another…

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