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Dr. Alex Mehr and Tai Lopez are spending a small fortune running ads to pitch their latest scheme, Retail Ecommerce Ventures. Essentially, they’re scooping up well-known offline brands that have fallen on tough times and transforming them into ecommerce brands.In one YouTube ad, Tai said, “We believe that there is value there. We believe that it’s the store, the brick and mortar, that’s driving down the financials of these companies. And so we’ve set out, we’ve rebuilt these companies. They’re relaunched and generating revenue. We put leadership in place.”If you’re an accredited investor and want in on the action, Tai…

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Peng Joon has an entertaining new YouTube ad where he mocks the typical social media user who posts pictures of every meal, every trip, and basically, how great their life is. “Now what if social media utilized the right way is not about the food that you’re eating,” Peng says, “but what if this [holds up his iPhone] can be one of the most powerful tools that you can utilize in your business to help you get more reach, more visibility, more leads and sales?” Is Peng Joon just a serial scammer? Scroll down for my review. At the end…

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Tim Han said his father left him at the age of two. And he was bullied on a daily basis in school. As a result, he developed sabotaging beliefs about himself. He feared everything. Never took risks. Until his mentor showed him a methodology that allowed him to free himself from himself. Today, through his company Success Insider, he’s “sending the elevator back down.” Read on for my Life Mastery Achievers review.Life Mastery Achievers (LMA) is a six week course that will teach you a proven, step by step system to dissolve toxic beliefs and reprogram your subconscious mind to…

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Leap Vista offers world class ecommerce education and exceptional industry experience for every entrepreneur. Through cutting-edge strategies and proven frameworks, they help others to start and grow their own ecom business. Their mission is to empower over 10,000 people to become the next wave of digital entrepreneurs in the next five years. In doing so, they hope to become the number one ecommerce education company in the world. They run lots of ads and talk a good game, but can they back it up? Read on. LeapVista was cofounded by brothers Steve and Evan Tan. Together, they claim to have…

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Timothy Sykes holds up two fat stacks of cash and shouts the following in his latest YouTube ad: “What’s up, Tim Sykes, millionaire mentor and trader, here with $10,000. A lot of you think you need $10,000 to get started in the stock market. That’s nonsense! That’s ridiculous! You don’t need that much to really make it in the stock market.” He continues, “Click the link below, get this free book that I wrote teaching exactly how I have made several million dollars in the stock market and several of my students have now made several million dollars. My top…

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Brian Fouts says sixty-eight trillion dollars is up for grabs in the next year. He’s the CEO of The Elevation Group, which he claims is the largest online investment club in the world. You can get his new audiobook, The Bank of You, for free. To do so, simply sign up for and sit through his entire masterclass where he’ll teach you how to copy what the super rich do. Is it worth your time? What’s the catch and how much will it cost? What are Brian’s qualifications? Read on for my Elevation Group review. Brian Fouts purchased The Elevation…

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Jordan Mackey says you can make money on YouTube without ever showing your face or recording a single video. In fact, he personally made over $32,000 in the last four weeks doing this strategy. He reveals his step by step process inside his Bye 9 To 5 course. Should you buy it? Read on for my Bye 9 To 5 review. Jordan has four YouTube channels he makes money from. In total, he has over three million subscribers. He claims he has earned multiple six figures. His Bye 9 To 5 Tube Monetization and Automation program is an easy to…

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Cortney Fletcher has helped over two thousand women start their own online boutique in the last two years. She teaches a strategy called Connective Ecommerce. It’s basically her take on Shopify dropshipping, which allows you to launch your own store without risking money on inventory, ads, employees, leases, and so on. She reveals her secrets in a course called Ecom Babes. Scroll down for my complete review. Cortney Fletcher is a college dropout turned ecom millionaire. She claims her online store, Transcend, does as much as twenty-four thousand dollars per day selling cute pieces of jewelry. She does not say…

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Have you seen this YouTube ad? Where a bunch of people are ripping open packages and flashing the checks they’re supposedly getting in the mail? It’s by JBW Business Coaching, whatever that is. The video was uploaded to a channel called NEM. They have like seven random videos that are public. Half are for fitness; the other half, biz opp. If you have seen it, you were probably as confused as I was. Who are these people? What system are they using? How does it all work? How much does it cost? Scroll down for my JBW Business Coaching review.…

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Phil Pustejovsky wants to know, “Do you wanna make more money in real estate, faster and easier than ever before? How would you like to shortcut to better results now? My Apprentice Program is your secret to real estate success.” Phil’s apparently been running it for over 10 years now, turning his apprentices into money-making machines, he says. But can you trust him? Is Freedom Mentor legit? How much does his Apprentice Program cost? Scroll down for my review.Phil Pustejovsky claims the only difference between the top real estate investors and those who barely eke by is that the high-achievers…

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