Author: admin

Sebastian Ghiorghiu plans on making $3 million dollars in the next three months. The guy’s already made millions on the internet, he’s had single months where’s he netted $400k, but he’s ready to make that next jump. Momentum is building, the timing is perfect. Here’s how he thinks he’ll pull it off. First and foremost, he’s gonna double down on his personal brand, with YouTube being the main focus. The more eyes he gets on his videos, the greater the trickle-down effect. He gets more Digital Wealth MB agency clients; makes more affiliate commissions; attracts more sponsors; earns more from…

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How much is your audience on social media really worth? That’s what SamCart creator Brian Moran asks in his latest YouTube ad. Well, if you’re good, he explains, you should be making at least $1 per follower per year. But some of their SamCart users are blowing that outta the water. They’re seeing more like $5, $10, even $20 per follower per year. Wanna create your own audience that could translate into this type of dough? Then peep their Traffic & Audience Bundle inside CreatorU. You’ll learn from industry experts how to grow your following on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook,…

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Can you believe Cole Gordon’s not even 30 yet? Apparently becoming a millionaire in your 20s ages you. With the ol’ Dirty Thirty a month away, Cole reflected on how he spent the last decade. Here’s what he’d do different. Number one, he would’ve dropped outta college a lot sooner. While it was good for helping him come out of his shell and learn to work hard, wow, other ‘n’ that, what a supersized waste of time and money. If he could do it all over, he would’ve moved to the same college town, got the same bartending job, worked…

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Or an MLM? Or a pyramid scheme? Aaron Martinez, who is now Cole Gordon’s business partner, is shocked that that’s even something people are asking. As far as he’s concerned, he gets to wake up every day, teach people this valuable skill of remote closing, and then interview students on the RCA Podcast, to hear how it’s changing their lives. Like how could that possibly be considered a bad thing? Nonetheless, he felt he had to address this head-on. The first point Aaron makes is that anyone he could find who was insinuating these awful things had not gone through…

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Jordan Mackey is the creator of Bye 9 To 5, a course that teaches you how to scale to $50k per month on YouTube without making any videos yourself. At least, that’s what Jordan’s pulling in from his Passive Channels. And all he’s gotta do is check in on his team, make sure they’re doing their thing. Jordan says he might spend three hours a week, total, on this business. Sound too good to be true? I agree, but let’s hear him out. Read on for my review. Jordan’s been doing YouTube automation for five plus years, teaching it for…

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Gabriel Ansel is the guy behind Locked In Leads, where he supposedly makes $65,400 per month generating leads for other businesses. Care to partner with him? And keep 100% of the profits? Here’s the deal. Gabe runs Facebook ads to get leads for small businesses, aka affiliate marketing. Only, instead of getting a commission for each referred sale, he actually gets paid per lead. Which, as you can imagine, is a lot easier. Read on for my review. Gabriel calls this the fastest, simplest way to sprint to 6-figures online. He’s been doing it for 13+ years, making millions in…

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Rachel Rofe believes passive income streams are no longer a want, they’re a need. Gone are the days where you can rely on your job, the economy, and a 401(k) that earns 9% year over year. It’s a different world. Today, you need multiple streams of revenue in order to survive—and most of all, thrive. Rachel has done this hundreds of times over by selling print on demand (POD) products on places like Amazon, Etsy and eBay. Read on for my review. Why this works so well, Rachel’s assistant, Kimberly Faye explains, is because these platforms already have all the…

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Yuri Elkaim has a blueprint that predictably attracts perfect clients and scales a health coaching business to 6- or 7-figures without the grind. And without being glued to social media, making content no one ever sees, having a large following, speaking on stages, writing a bestselling book, or running some stupid challenge. This is the exact system Yuri and his clients have used to generate more than $217 million in sales so far. Read on for my review. Yuri’s the founder and CEO of Healthpreneur, where he helps health and fitness experts get clients and scale their business online, faster…

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Sometimes the best side hustles are the ones no one talks about. Like junk removal. But can you really make $3,650 to $12,270+ per week hauling off other people’s trash? According to this kid, Kyle Landwehr, you absolutely can. At just 22 years old, he’s the owner of Slam Dunkin Junk, which has done more than $1 million in sales in the last two years. Junk removal’s an essential, low competition service ripe for new millionaires. Read on for my Junk Academy review.“These days,” Kyle says in his latest YouTube ad, “everyone’s talking about Amazon FBA, Shopify drop shipping, social…

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Tiffany and Josh High have quite the offer for active wholesalers and house flippers. They’d like to give you access to their systems and processes that drive more than $4 million in revenue a year for their own real estate investing business. “I am not a guru,” Tiffany makes it known. “I’m an operator. I actually do this every day. I’m not about fluff. I’m super direct and I like to get to the point. I’m focused on getting results and I wanna get you results. Here’s how.” Tiffany explains how she helps real estate investors like yourself recruit the…

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